Example sentences of "believe [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where God has given us sure and sufficient reasons for believing or the possibility of profound understanding in our believing , it is perverse to insist on having less than what he offers .
2 I believed that a murrain would fall on the hens that he kept on his house-top , a wasting illness on the sheep that he kept by his door .
3 Hegel believed that a substance was exhausted by the sum of its predicates , which is another way of saying that he identified the categories of the German language with those of abstract thought , and those of abstract thought , in turn with those of Mind or Geist .
4 Clarkson believed that a narrative of abolition produced not only ‘ the most pleasing and grateful sensations ’ but that lessons relevant to future success emerged .
5 In particular they believed that a State which could dominate the sea and Europe 's trade with the outside world would have gone far towards making herself mistress of the continent .
6 In particular , the international projection of nationally-headquartered firms ' corporate identity is a vexed issue : Siegel & Gale 's new survey of 50 leading Hungarian companies , for example , found that if all of them believed that a company 's image was important to building sales , most would also rather do business with German 's sharply-etched Volkswagen that with fuzzy French concerns .
7 Moreover , many actual nationalizations were indeed objectively functional for the restructuring of parts of the economy ‘ no longer organised as capital ’ as Fine and O'Donnell ( 1981 ) put it ; and the British Conservatives only attempted to reverse the post-war Labour government 's efforts ‘ where we believed that a measure of nationalisation was a real hindrance to our island life ( Winston Churchill , cited in Weiner 1960 : 80 ) .
8 George Ball , however , believed that a change of policy was becoming essential in response to the more pessimistic diagnoses .
9 We both believed that a marriage certificate was n't that important .
10 And at that stage , when I entered into the agreement , I believed that a marriage to Janice could have worked . ’
11 There were still those among the Shah 's military who believed that a coup against Khomeini was possible .
12 Baudelaire argued for modernity , but he also strongly believed that a critic has the right to be partisan .
13 The segregation of servants from the family had already begun at Coleshill , the ancestor of the Palladian houses of the eighteenth century , where Roger Pratt , who believed that a house should be ‘ so contrived … that the ordinary servants may never publicly appear in passing to and from for their occasions there ’ , had given them separate rooms , adjacent to their masters , so that they no longer slept at his door or at the foot of his bed .
14 He believed that a place which respected horseflesh would not be wholly comfortless and as he had horses this applied to him .
15 In the same interview with the two journalists , Wilson made the further point that he believed that a faction in DI5 had pursued a vendetta against himself and his close colleagues .
16 Few people believed that a market for such high priced machines existed , but Cray continued to increase sales and growth , until eventually many other companies from around the world began building such supercomputers .
17 Anna Ford has often said that she believed that a woman should have had a role on our Election Night programmes .
18 The House of Lords believed that a period of exclusivity would be valid and binding on the vendor provided that consideration passed between the parties , that the terms of the period were certain and the parties intended to be bound .
19 Where a chief police officer believed that a march would cause serious disorder which would not be amenable to control he could seek a ban through the local authority to the Home Secretary .
20 It was also possible to argue that the size of armies must be limited by the capacity of society to maintain them : Montesquieu believed that a ruler could hardly afford to have more than one per cent of his subjects under arms simultaneously , and other writers put the proportion still lower .
21 Calvinists believed that every person was predestined by God to go to heaven or to hell .
22 The Government , he said , was not predisposed to pay attention and believed that no idea was worth listening to unless Ministers had thought of it themselves .
23 A Garda spokesman said he believed that the drugs had originated in north Africa and had been brought ashore from a yacht .
24 The thought of the Marlborough boys ‘ discovering ’ him gave him obvious pleasure ; and whether or not he believed that the curriculum should include modern literature ( as Auden was later to say that it should not ) , he certainly believed , with his own youthful experience in mind , that the young should be enabled to explore new fields in the arts for themselves .
25 Others , however , believed that the North Korean government had exaggerated the extent of its nuclear programme in order to increase its diplomatic influence .
26 Four minutes later he claimed a second near Hal Far , but did not see it crash and had no witness , although he believed that the pilot of this aircraft also baled out .
27 In the eyes of those who believed that the Masai were decorative but unproductive idlers sitting on land that could be put to better use , the unco-operative attitude of district officials was mere romantic obstructionism , proof positive that they had been bewitched by the Masai .
28 Baker 's announcement was greeted with satisfaction by many Arab representatives who believed that the settlements issue was the major obstruction to progress on the peace process .
29 These difficulties were the source of much of the conflict among philanthropists , between those who preferred to give thorough-going help to a few and those who believed that the scale of destitution was such that wholesale relief was necessary at least in times of high unemployment , to palliate serious destitution and to prevent social disorder .
30 Meckel and Serres believed that the scale of organic complexity used to rank the major classes of living organisms corresponded to the pattern of individual development .
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