Example sentences of "stand [adj] against the " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Scrivener was sharply rebuked , not least by the Commission President , Jacques Delors , and she has been instructed to stand firm against the governments ' proposal today and tell ministers to think again .
2 VIC JOBSON , the Southend chairman , has vowed to stand firm against the growing protests of supporters who want David Webb , currently serving out his notice , to stay as manager .
3 Then Petra , a group which looks and sounds like Led Zeppelin , but is given to quoting from St Paul 's epistle to the Ephesians ( 6:11-17 : ‘ Put on the full armour of God , that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil … ’ ) , is for you .
4 If everything else failed , Nizan was convinced that the Soviet Union could be depended upon to stand resolute against the rising tide of fascist oppression .
5 ‘ If a train comes , stand flat against the wall , ’ said Peter .
6 The once busy shed , now with the skeletal , unclad girders of its roof standing stark against the darkening sky , was just a ghost of its former self .
7 It was like a ‘ ghost ship ’ — he used those words — the three masts standing black against the white of the low , snow-mantled line of the shore opposite and that enormously long bowsprit jutting out from the wooden hull of the ship ‘ like a lance ’ .
8 While that wo n't please some of his backbenchers , others will breath a sigh of relief that at least Britain will no longer seem to be standing alone against the rest of the community .
9 The Old Man , displaying his thickening midriff , standing proud against the ocean .
10 Here , as in her own city , bomb-ravaged buildings stood stark against the glow of a sinking sun , strangely , tragically beautiful .
11 Athelstan made his way north to the Elms near Newgate where a great three-branched scaffold stood stark against the sky ; each bore its grisly burden , a corpse swinging by its neck , head askew , hands and feet securely tied .
12 Hitching out of Langdale , the mountains were suddenly transformed ; the clouds stood black against the unexpected sunlight and the landscape took on another , indefinable dimension .
13 Under the leadership of Paulinho Paiakan ( Chief of the Kayapo people ) the Xavante , the Arara , the Gaviao and the Yanomami stood firm against the might of money and earned their territories a much needed respite .
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