Example sentences of "idea at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 With the rise of the fascist menace , the bourgeois educational system was no longer perceived as the site of idealistic mystification , but rather as the site of a political struggle ; a political struggle in which the vast majority of the teaching profession , committed to the idea of cultural enlightenment , were refusing to be silenced , gagged by a bourgeois state progressively more dominated by fascist ideas at a time of deepening political crisis .
2 If the Russians do arrive on this scale it will be the largest single wave of what Israelis call aliya ( literally ‘ ascent ’ ) since the immediate post independence years in the early 1950s , a heady return to the heart of the Zionist idea at a time when the country — still fighting the Palestinian uprising , on a permanent war footing and its economy slipping into recession — is far from ready .
3 Different people in the group will be given specific roles such as time keeper , secretary ; and there will be explicit rules of behaviour such as only speaking through the chair , considering one idea at a time , recapping frequently from the secretary 's minutes and so on .
4 ‘ He had a brain capable of only one idea at a time .
5 The many-to-many mapping of the process can not occur , because the human thought process is sequential in nature ( one thought at a time ) , and only one idea at a time can be transferred .
6 Thus a seminar , in which a number of speakers exchange ideas and information , is still a one-to-many mapping , because only one idea at a time is capable of being absorbed by each individual recipient .
7 I pick up on one idea at a time , and we try each of these as a group .
8 Although this seemed a good idea at the time , current strategy at WH Smith is to have full control , as in the buying up of 100 per cent of Molinaire , the TV services company , in July .
9 ‘ I — we — thought it a good idea at the time , with the late closing and it so hard to get people off the premises — and all the cleaning up to be done afterwards … ‘
10 You are faced with half a packet of dusty dried peas , the unopened naan bread mix that seemed such a good idea at the time and the smoked oysters left over from last year 's Christmas hamper .
11 Becoming entangled in the web you have woven ; after all , ‘ it seemed like a good idea at the time ’ .
12 It seemed like a good idea at the time , but that time , I could feel , was running out , and I could see that in a very few years it would have run .
13 God knows why , because I was n't entertaining and I never went in pubs , but it seemed a good idea at the time .
14 The rubber hot-water bottle was a very modern idea at the time the house was built .
15 ‘ Yeah , it seemed like a good idea at the time … ’
16 It seemed a good idea at the time . ’
17 What these differences between the two halves of the brain might be telling us , we had no idea at the time — but some clues will begin to appear by the end of the next chapter .
18 ‘ It was just one of those things which seemed a good idea at the time .
19 Wainfleet said : ‘ I told you , it seemed a good idea at the time .
20 It had seemed a good idea at the time , a bit of expensive and unusual fun with some of her friends , and sure , she had been intrigued when she had been told that she should beware of her fiery nature 's setting alight a situation which would become frighteningly uncontrollable , but that was three days ago .
21 Because it seemed like an opportune idea at the time .
22 It had seemed such a marvellous idea at the time , to leave behind her northern home town , the scene of all her unhappy memories , and to apply for the job Caro had just vacated , to take over Caro 's lease .
23 This year 's battle of the budget is generating more anguish than any for years , John Major 's cabinet now realize what a parliamentary mess December might turn into with week-long debates on both the Queen 's speech and the budget to pack in , and worse to come in the spring , a budget combining taxes with public spending seemed a good idea at the time Norman Lamont announced it , but with November the thirtieth just a month away the political down-side is appearing , of course with a fifty billion pound deficit in the Government 's accounts this years spending round would have been hard pounding anyhow , but the usual noisy haggle over the available cash among departments is now amplified by posses of Tory backbenchers trying to head off this or that tax increase , and there 's an incentive to keep that up right through the finance bill after Christmas , since most new taxes would not come in until April .
24 It seemed a good idea at the time , and it was agreed that all the shareholders would get an instrument of any description .
25 I thought it was a good idea at the time .
26 ‘ Because it seemed like a good idea at the time . ’
27 Mrs Evans says she had no idea at the time of the nights Ms Sanderson and her husband Derek spent together .
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