Example sentences of "allow for [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Reports indicated that it included strong guarantees of fundamental human rights , but that a number of clauses gave rise to heated debate , including proposed provisions allowing for detention without trial and for the postponement of local elections for five years .
2 For instance , clauses restricting liability for late delivery , allowing for variation of the delivery date or tolerances in relation to the quantity to be delivered , clauses enabling the proferens to substitute alternative goods for those ordered , to withhold performance of its obligations or vary the terms of the contract , and force majeure clauses excusing non-performance , or extending the time for performance in the event of circumstances outside the proferens ' control , and possibly even clauses giving one party the right to withhold performance , or terminate the contract , in the event of breach by the other party , are all potentially subject to s3 .
3 The ‘ Office of Innovation ’ ( OI ) transcends the interests of individual departments , thereby allowing for cross-fertilization of ideas among divisions .
4 Slough , Berkshire-based T IS Ltd has launched a telephone call logging system aimed specifically at UK local authorities : dubbed Genesis MX , the system is claimed to produce cost centre recharge reports and time-to-answer reports in line with Citizen 's Charter recommendations ; personal computer-based , the product is also claimed to provide flexible recharge reports ( allowing for cross-billing of departments ) which can be linked to micro and mainframe systems for automatic accounting ; no word yet on list price , but T IS is also introducing a rental scheme for the system .
5 A communiqué issued on July 4 at the end of a five-day meeting of the central committee of the ruling Parti congolais du travail ( PCT ) announced agreement on wide-ranging political reforms , specifically ( i ) broadening membership of the party ; ( ii ) abandoning Marxism-Leninism as the ideology of the state ; ( iii ) separating the functions of party and state ; ( iv ) ending the one-party system ; and ( v ) strengthening existing mechanisms allowing for freedom of expression , of the press , and of association .
6 Even allowing for doubt about whether the vitamin supplementation was effective , administering it seems to be a one way bet — at worst it is harmless , but at best it may cure or prevent the disorder in question .
7 The disadvantage ( occasionally overwhelming ) is the capital cost , even allowing for relief in respect of interest charges and capital allowances for new buildings and other improvements .
8 The budget , allowing for expenditure of 176,700 million guilders , was the least austere for many years .
9 Also , with the present demographic structure of farmers , together with their greater willingness to consider such matters , an early retirement or outgoers scheme would address the problem of over-supply , as well as allowing for mobility within the industry , and would encourage more young people to enter farming .
10 Acts were passed in 1978 allowing for devolution of most of these administrative powers to elected assemblies in Scotland and Wales .
11 Broadly , and allowing for over-simplification of the two books , Mr Kee and Mr Mullin allege that the confessions were beaten out of them by the police interrogating them , and that the forensic tests were either doctored so as to appear positive , or were otherwise unreliable .
12 A draft Article allowing for amendment of treaties through subsequent practice of parties ( not third parties ) was rejected at Vienna as likely to promote uncertainty and instability in the performance of treaties .
13 Such criteria have , therefore , to be general and highly flexible allowing for sensitivity to people 's aspirations .
14 This assumption may be relaxed to a certain extent by allowing for tenure over a specified number of ( exogenously chosen ) periods ( see NN ) or for random terminations ( see Lancaster and Chesher , 1983 ) .
15 That programme included the development of more accurate telescopes , together with auxiliary theories required for their use in astronomy such as those providing adequate means for allowing for refraction of light in the earth 's atmosphere .
16 The distinctive feature of income bonds is that interest is payable only in the event that the issuer has sufficient reported profits ( after allowing for interest on other kinds of debt ) to make the payment .
17 The track is generally 3 metres wide allowing for use by both cyclists and pedestrians .
18 The track is generally 3 metres wide allowing for use by both cyclists and pedestrians .
19 Its components include Christian history in Africa , Asia , the Americas , the Pacific ( allowing for concentration on particular areas ) ; Christian thought in non-Western culture ; the missionary movement from the West ; Christianity and primal religions .
20 Held , allowing the appeal , that the retraction by a witness in extradition proceedings of evidence previously given in the requesting state did not in itself discredit that evidence and , unless it was worthless , the magistrate was entitled to act upon it in deciding whether there was sufficient evidence to justify an order for committal ; that , equally , a witness 's evidence was not to be automatically discredited by virtue of that witness having been an alleged accomplice of the accused ; and that the magistrate had given proper consideration to the retraction of P. 's evidence and to his being an alleged accomplice when deciding if there was sufficient evidence to justify the applicant 's committal ; that , further , since the provision in article 1 of the Treaty allowing for extradition in respect of offences ‘ committed within the territory of the requesting party ’ having been extended by article 3(2) to cover participation in extradition offences punishable by the laws of both states , the lack of evidence of the applicant 's presence in Sweden at the relevant time did not take the offences outside the ambit of the Treaty ; that under Schedule 1 to the Act of 1989 the magistrate was concerned only with committal proceedings under English procedure in relation to the English crimes specified in the order to proceed and not with the jurisdiction of the Swedish court ; and that , accordingly , the magistrate had been entitled to commit the applicant ( post , pp. 846D–F , 850F — 851A , E — 852C , 853A ) .
21 This requirement is no different from any other kind of groupwork which allows for variation in pace of working and provides alternative tasks for those who finish first .
22 The Honours degree in Classics and Medieval History allows for specialisation in Ancient History , Classical Archaeology , Greek , Latin or literature studied in translation , or combinations of these .
23 In addition , the Scheme allows for payment to be made in some cases where the assessment of probability of causation would be insufficient for liability to be established in the courts .
24 The personal figure of coercion , such as the bailiff , may be held at bay through the provision of money , which allows for exchange outside of the nexus of personal social relations .
25 Other reasons are that Prestel pages can be included in microviewdata bases alongside pages created by pupils ; Prestel pages on a specific subject Can be downloaded to disk and the disk incorporated into an information package , with slides , tapes and printed materials ; and that Prestel may not always be available in the place where the information is needed , thus downloading allows for flexibility in that , for example , pages of graphics can be used for work in the art department .
26 The Miscellaneous Grants Budget 1993/94 allows for support of £396 based on last year 's figure plus 2.5% inflation .
27 Furthermore , recording them on video allows for discussion in which the ‘ rules of appropriateness ’ can begin to be described rather than being left to instinct .
28 The settlement for 1992-93 allows for spending of over £18.7 billion , a further increase of 7 per cent .
29 Each student receives different instructions and this allows for spontaneity of reactions , thus making the situation more real .
30 The fourth merit of Johnson 's approach is that it allows for mobility of jobs between categories , although he does not attach as much significance as Hughes ( 1958 ) to the efforts of the ‘ professionals ’ themselves in this regard .
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