Example sentences of "allow [pron] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 While C2 Certificate holders would normally proceed directly into employment , there should , however , be opportunities for some students to acquire credits allowing them eventually to obtain a C1 Certificate .
2 The atmosphere was one of people enjoying themselves in their own way and allowing everyone else to do so too .
3 What 's the point of returning to work and allowing someone else to bring up the child ?
4 that people can make their o , they have a balanced education which allows them then to make their own choices about , that things are n't over , I mean if we 've lived in a patriarchal society in which men are in power and that kin , and male sexuality maybe has come through more in sex education , those have been the issues that have been co , ha have been given more importance and female issues have maybe been neglected a little bit and now erm , with Aids as a problem we do n't want to turn out and suddenly become really homo homophobic or really , you know , right condoms , condoms , it has to be you know , you need to kind of keep the balance so that people are given the information and then have the freedom to make the choice themselves .
5 What we have here is , is a huge sheet of this material on the wall , and the visitors stand in front of this and press a flashlight which allows them then to make all sorts of poses on the wall , and as they then move away , their shadow is left on the wall so they can look back and see what their , their shadow was like in the pose .
6 Our invaluable handbook , which otherwise retails at around £100 is included in membership — and members invariably find that knowledge gained via membership , be it from the Handbook , a seminar or fellow members , allows them annually to recover their membership subscription .
7 But all that we are requiring of him is that , widening his viewpoint from himself to the community , he has taken account of the communal effects of theft , before , as himself not the weigher but the balance , he allows himself finally to settle against or in favour of taking the money .
8 I suppose well my children would say my answer to everything is to say to them breathe , you know , and erm you know just do very simple relaxation if nothing else , and then that allows you maybe to start looking at other things , but to get to the state where you can begin to look at things without the fears and emotions getting in the way .
9 The program allows you then to create your own sluices — up to five — so that you can define a sluice to coincide with a specific syllabus ( ‘ all year 3 vocabulary ’ or ‘ all unit 15 vocabulary ’ , for example ) or with a specific technical field ( ‘ all words to do with engineering/banking/tourism/etc ’ ) .
10 The camera comes between her and the audience and allows her not to tell the whole story .
11 The way the poem is ordered allows us momentarily to read it as if the juxtaposition was just that of eye and Canaletto , for the eye appears at first as an independent entity .
12 Space allows us only to look at some of the most significant of these developments here .
13 As I hinted before , the resolubility of these colours allowed me really to play about with colour and experiment .
14 The Trade Union Act of 1834 allowed them simply to bargain peacefully . ’
15 He finds his own words for the mood in a letter to Helen on 6 May '98 : ‘ I am glad my unkind letter allowed you nevertheless to write me so sweet a reply , and besides , to be so sweet tempered , and , as I hope , unhurt save for a moment .
16 Spreadsheets allowed you only to play with figures — there were no built in graphing packages , they were something you bought separately .
17 He allowed her gently to propel him towards the sitting room , all the while murmuring , ‘ Always puzzled me … always puzzled me . ’
18 But this man will pull no punches when he is irked : as the head of the Thatcher loyalists determined that she should fight to the end , he threatened to floor a Thatcher aide who was guarding her door unless he allowed him in to see her .
19 Those few who consciously risked the consequences of disregarding it , or allowed themselves unthinkingly to slide into overindebtedness , could still suffer the degradation of what went for life behind the walls of the Marshalsea or the Kidderminster dungeon .
20 Now there are savings and investment schemes which allow you either to put in a lump sum or tuck away regular savings .
21 A therapist who undertakes the assessment of these patients should have sufficient factual knowledge about the problem of attempted suicide and should also have interviewing skills that allow him both to put patients it ease and obtain valid information .
22 However , in the same area , they had added , there were other vignerons , who would be happy to show her the wine-making process , using the most modern and scientific methods , and allow her also to taste their products without obligation .
23 And like all gifts , it should not be unwrapped before.its time , so do n't unwrap your gift , or allow anyone else to unwrap your gift , or else God might , in His wisdom , come down and take it away again . ’
24 Armstrong continued , ‘ Actually on account of the personalities involved , I think it might be better to take no action about the Palestine Committee but allow it gradually to sink into the limbo of forgotten things ’ ( emphasis added ) .
25 They allow us furthermore to describe not the great history which would carry along all the sciences in a single trajectory , but the types of history — that is to say , of retentivity and transformation — which characterize different discourses … the episteme is not a slice of history common to all the sciences : it is a simultaneous play of specific remanences .
26 The law books allow us only to use ‘ such force as is reasonably necessary ’ to get out of trouble , but the legal definition of ‘ reasonable force ’ appears to be quite wide .
27 But when Zanuck returned and found Preminger at his studio , he promptly fired him from directing Laura , allowing him only to remain on the film as its producer .
28 The function of government intervention is less to tell people what they ought to like than to allow them better to achieve what they already like .
29 all sorts of terrible stresses and the only sort of legitimate reason for collapsing is to allow somebody else to cope beautifully with your collapse .
30 To allow herself even to think of the days , the weeks , the months or years stretching ahead would have been to precipitate disaster .
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