Example sentences of "live [prep] one of " in BNC.

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1 A lawyer , he lives in one of the swish apartment blocks which sprang out of the rubble left by the last act of licensed hooliganism to hit Cagliari , namely the second world war .
2 ‘ E lives in one of them tenements in Corporation Lane , on the corner of St James 's Passage .
3 ‘ They lives in one of them cottages with the straw rooves .
4 They call it The Linny , and Sidney lives in one of the big new houses .
5 ‘ She reckons it were that chap she worked for , the one what lives in one of they new houses here in Upper Benbury . ’
6 And one man whose mother lives in one of the homes listed for closure said yesterday : ‘ We will be making our presence felt again when the full council meets . ’
7 However , in Finkelhor 's review , several factors emerged as being consistently associated with higher risk of sexual abuse : when a child lives without one of the biological parents ; when the mother is unavailable to the child either as a result of employment outside the home or disability and illness ; when a child reports that the parents ' marriage is unhappy or conflictual ; when the child reports having a poor relationship with the parents or being subject to extremely punitive discipline or child abuse ; when the child reports having a step-father .
8 ‘ I rent a room in the house of our foreman , living as one of the family , which was a stroke of luck ; a boarding-house would cost more .
9 If living near one of the more expanding manufacturing or mining centres was likely to bring higher adult male wages , it was also likely to offer better prospects of regular waged work for women and children .
10 She 'd been living with one of his men , a guy who knew a lot about his affairs , and Connie could n't help knowing plenty of things that Bonanza would not want advertised on the radio . ’
11 ‘ Brigitte Krone : she was living with one of the families Gustav hid up with that winter .
12 It is far from clear how we can compare a situation of living with one of absence of sensation and life itself .
13 Mind she had a husband but should think he living with one of the kids .
14 ‘ I do n't fancy the idea of living in one of their hostels , that 's all . ’
15 Jack would be very much surprised if his friend would n't be living in one of those houses in Ploughman 's Lane like the one where he sometimes did electrical jobs with real old French furniture and real oil paintings and the kind of china you looked at but did n't eat off .
16 Now I am thirty-five years old , and married to a traditional observant Jew and living in one of London 's most Jewish areas , I can laugh at the mistaken ideas I had .
17 Each child born in the industrialised world consumes between 20 and 40 times as much as a child living in one of the poorer countries .
18 Whereas some Orcadians see certain advantages in living in one of the Mainland 's urban centres there are many more who appreciate the benefits of building a house of their own in their home parish , not only as a means of maintaining their links with family , friends , and neighbours but as a means of benefitting from cheap family or friends ' land for building .
19 She was living in one of the small private hotels in Cromer on Social Security .
20 One example , irregular delivery of mail , a relation living in one of the Costas gets no delivery of mail for six weeks in summer — reason , the postman is on holiday !
21 For me , this seemed to be symbolised in the living room of a teenage parent living in one of Coventry 's worst housing estates .
22 At the moment he 's living in one of brother Sidney 's caravans . ’
23 He was living in one of the old stone huts on the moor .
24 People living in one of the country 's most important farmimg regions are asking for cash from the European Community to help regenerate the area .
25 An elderly couple living in one of the houses declined to comment .
26 Oi , imagine living in one of those houses there you 'd be woken up all night by ambulances sw blaring away !
27 On my regular trips back home , I am always a witness to the unspeakable hardships which the local population endures as a result of living alongside one of Europe 's most important arteries for the transport of people and goods in the North-South direction .
28 A group of families living beside one of the region 's busiest commuter routes are facing a five-mile detour to get home , because they 've been marooned by roadworks.They say it 's making their lives a misery , and want engineers to make them a special short cut to improve things .
29 CARING : Abdul Sattar Edhi with a girl living at one of his homes
30 CARING : Abdul Sattar Edhi with a girl living at one of his homes
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