Example sentences of "live [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its ancient buildings reflect the air of a former age , when the pace of life was slow , when landlords and merchants lived off the fat of the land and when labourers , in vast numbers , worked that land .
2 The most serious attacks occurred in the decade after 998 when the Norsemen set up winter quarters in what was to become their favourite location , the Isle of Wight , and ‘ lived off the land ’ by repeatedly plundering the south coast .
3 Economic and religious factors are therefore held to play important and complementary parts in the explanation of peasant unrest : for those who lived off the land , conditions were grim and unyielding , and Calvinism offered a way of life which might , among other things , free them from the burden of the tithe .
4 The nation had also become economically and demographically stagnant : heavy industrial production lagged behind Britain and Germany , nearly a third of people still lived off the land , and in 1940 the population ( at about 40 million ) was little larger than it had been in 1900 .
5 A Viking raid , and the passage of Frankish warriors who " lived off the land " , left similar trails .
6 The Prussians were horrified to learn that in Pomerania and Danzig the surviving Polish nobility were reluctant to work for the new authorities and much preferred to lease out their estates to tenant farmers while they lived off the income in Warsaw .
7 I hitchhiked round Europe , lived off the smell of an oily rag , as they say . ’
8 General Lu Han had 180000 troops with him and they lived off the country in the traditional Chinese manner , looting and exporting industrial plant to China .
9 One family lived off the produce of 50 goats whose milk was converted into a very pleasant soft cheese .
10 Only in the late nineteenth century did these contracts generally disappear and instead the land was sold or let and the old people lived off the cash proceeds .
11 People of all ages from small children to those who lived through the campaign came to the city for a week to remember .
12 Only seven people lived through the crash — and all were seriously injured .
13 Both men lived through the Depression , but Fraser 's depressions were only indirectly linked with the hardships of people he knew .
14 However often I lived through the moment , and I had just lived through it so vividly that the palms of my hands were sweating and my heart thumping , I could not make it last beyond that point .
15 Many Americans who lived through the war years and remembered quite vividly the virtual hatred and perceived Japanese treachery fuelled during the war probably stiffened at the presented Japanese viewpoint but it remains , for the most part , historically accurate .
16 Then , in 1988 , traces of 10 were found in Vietnam 's Nam Cat Tien swamp , where they presumably lived through the war .
17 He had very red hair and a pale complexion with masses of freckles all over his face , he was very popular with everyone and lived for the day when he could join the Army , particularly the Camerons .
18 I just lived for the minute ; if my tongue and lips and fingers travelled freely over her , that was good enough for forever .
19 A neighbour at his home in Southend , Essex , said : ‘ He was a smashing lad who lived for the Army .
20 The Arbuthnots hunted on odd days with the Meath and Tom lived for the sport .
21 When this second marriage broke down in 1963 , Simenon was already having an affair with another maid , Teresa Sburelin , with whom he lived for the rest of his life .
22 The teenage PODs lived for the moment and their songs , all crash-bang-wallop-bang-crash , reflected this .
23 She was pretty and popular and she lived for the moment .
24 We were young , we lived for the moment .
25 They lived for the moment , and were completely happy .
26 The physicists lived for the emulsion trails and double checked to see if they were interpreting them correctly .
27 ‘ She lived for the family and they all worshipped her . ’
28 Much of the learning and practice of the Egyptians was absorbed by Greek physicians , one of the best known of whom is Dioscorides , an army doctor who lived during the time of Nero in the first century AD .
29 When A had lived x years he became the father of B. He lived after the birth of B y years and had other sons and daughters .
30 ‘ So you have to keep at him because like all kids he lives for the telly and various electronic gadgets and he 'd be quite happy eating crisps and playing for the rest of his life .
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