Example sentences of "lead [prep] more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So punishment tends to lead to more punishment .
2 A move towards supporting business activities is likely to lead to more investment in favourable rather than more depressed economies , as the SDA attempts to assist ‘ winners ’ .
3 Bob Keville , chairman of the Lloyd 's Insurance Brokers Committee , predicted the change was ‘ bound to lead to more business coming Lloyd 's way in future . ’
4 Bob Keville , chairman of the Lloyd 's Insurance Brokers Committee , predicted the change was ‘ bound to lead to more business coming Lloyd 's way in future . ’
5 There was always the danger that he might mention it to his father — and that was bound to lead to more trouble .
6 User development loop : moving out to wider trials and getting the most relevant feedback leading to more revision to ensure that the teaching unit can help to educate the unfamiliar user ( this revision of the unit is aimed at helping the users to develop the ability to realize the unit 's intentions ) .
7 The latter is less efficient in producing a water supply , leading to more consumption than otherwise , but it may be a relatively efficient way of ensuring an equal chance of access to it .
8 The cube leads to more mathematics and uses more problem-solving techniques than any other recreational problem , and so is an excellent problem for teaching and learning .
9 As organizations increase in size , the necessity to predict and control the behaviour of the whole organization inevitably leads to more structure , more controls , more requests for information .
11 Whilst it might cause some obvious short-term distress to tell the older people that they have unrealistic expectations of their children , to fail to do so inevitably leads to more unhappiness in the longer term .
12 The renin raises your blood-pressure , which in turn leads to more kidney stress and more water retention , and on into the more severe symptoms .
13 The orthodox sociological position , which may be derived from various different theoretical perspectives , is that rising unemployment leads to more crime .
14 The drug squads discovered more cases of drug use , which led to more police manpower and money being invested , which led to more discovery .
15 Mr Callaghan 's famous speech to the 1976 Labour party conference ( subsequently cited in many Conservative party publications ) admitted that governments could not spend their way into full employment ; that way only led to more inflation and eventually more unemployment .
16 It did seem that the mother 's intrusion in quarrels led to more conflict over the longer term .
17 Paradoxically , attending courses at the Civil Service College often led to more dissatisfaction when contrasted with the reality of civil service life .
18 Glucose absorption from RS-ORS was less than from HYPO-ORS and RP-ORS ( p<0.002 ) and of these , HYPO-ORS led to more glucose absorption than RP-ORS ( p= 0.002 ) .
19 A good course programme but with a poor instructor led to more trainee dissatisfaction than a good instructor with a moderate programme .
20 And it was a fact that William and Preston together led to more trouble than Preston alone , or Preston and any combination of other boys .
21 ‘ The district council , however , is of the view that taking this case to court could lead to more damage to the area through adverse publicity and this would be against the interests of local people .
22 That 's right , yes , yes , that 's right , because erm , there 's a gre there 's a higher elasticity of migration inelasticity in respect to income differentials than there is to unemployment , any job creation schemes will lead to more migration , rather than , rather than less , so how , how best to get round the problem ?
23 He was however er reasonably clear as to the speed at which local authorities tend to deal with these matters , he said that it always takes a long time and getting any answer out of the local authority might well take somewhere between six months and up to two years , he thought that perhaps eighteen months was a reasonable guess before he would actually manage to get somebody if Paul were to move as er , it maybe well occur to here or a different local authority then of course the application would just go back to square one and that would lead to more delay .
24 As Prest and Turvey ( 1965 , p. 688 ) state : ‘ Construction of a fast motorway , which itself speeds up traffic and reduces accidents , may lead to more congestion or more accidents on feeder roads if they are left unimproved . ’
25 The specialist schools will lead to more selection .
26 It justified this decision by citing fears that the agreement would lead to more drug trafficking ( because of Holland 's liberal drug laws ) , more illegal immigrants and more terrorism ( because of leaky Italian and Greek frontiers ) .
27 Lady Thatcher , who has criticised the Prime Minister 's cautious stance on the war , said failure to make it clear that Serb aggression would not be allowed to succeed would lead to more bloodshed in Bosnia and possibly elsewhere .
28 We thought liberation would lead to more freedom but many of us are too scared to go out alone in daylight let alone after dark these days .
29 But yesterday Independent councillor Tony Moore , who opposed the increase , warned it could lead to more hardship .
30 It should lead to more understanding of language diversity , including multilingualism , and be closely related to pupils ' experience in their own communities , and therefore be treated with great sensitivity to pupils ' home backgrounds .
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