Example sentences of "lead [pers pn] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly some people , particularly those who drew up the initial list of candidates , tried to gain advantage by appealing to tribal loyalties , but that led them to include candidates who were not Zuwaya , or not Magharba , in the hope of widening their mass appeal .
2 Empirical research in the 1960s demonstrated that even in the cases where the middle class had been initially progressive , success had given them a conservative outlook and led them to join forces with the traditional elite rather than with the working class ( Ratinoff 1967 , Sunkel 1965 ) .
3 They emphasised that it was the circumstances of the individual case which led them to reject charges of degrading or inhuman treatment .
4 They farmed indulgences for the Popes which , naturally , led them to patronise Luther 's opponents .
5 On top of that is the fact that the society and type of education they have received both led them to expect wage employment — probably in an office … .
6 Terrapins have been left here and in similar ponds around the country by bored pet owners for years , but the numbers have been growing thanks to children who have tired of the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle craze that led them to buy terrapins in the first place .
7 The achievements of their monitored sexual athletes led them to prescribe standards of sexual behaviour which were quite unrealistic in terms of ordinary people living normal lives .
8 It was a rebellion which led me to take wife and kids from the suburbs into the peace of the countryside .
9 Mention of the Paints quality programme led me to ask Chris Hampson about the overall ICI approach to quality improvement .
10 However , my GCSE courses eventually led me to attend university as a mature student and now I hope to become a solicitor .
11 Any account of the day-today sociability of men in Huaiwiri in the 1970s must pay attention to women : the relations among women were important in forming men 's opinions , in leading them to make decisions .
12 A subsequent chapter will address the question of how this threat is routinized by members of the RUC generally , but at this juncture it is worth considering how the management 's dilemma leads them to organize community and neighbourhood policing in an area like West Belfast , where attack is imminent .
13 The excitement , suspense , and danger which seems the lot of the police on celluloid feeds into the definitions many of Easton 's section police give to their work experience , and the supposed similarity of this experience leads them to see police films and television programmes as an accurate portrayal , to be watched avidly because of this shared world .
14 Gregory 's moral and religious concerns were unquestionably a significant factor in leading him to write history .
15 He manages to believe the witches and their prophecies , leading him to commit acts of treason and murder , although he should have known better .
16 Lightbown 's thorough approach leads him to investigate aspects of the artist never before considered , such as costume and ornament .
17 This lack of insight and concomitant lack of empathy often leads us to replace feelings with action — sometimes abusive action .
18 Of course , each village does contain its own unique qualities , but to dwell on these only serves to obscure the nature of the changes which have overtaken them , since a concern for the minutiae of each individual village leads us to lose sight of the widespread changes that have affected almost all villages in recent years .
19 The story leads us to ask questions like ‘ Why was she so displeased by her own life ? ’ ,
20 This leads us to study animals that are most like humans and to restrict our studies to these animals , like the chimpanzee .
21 After all , any reason that leads us to keep Christ out of our hearts is an , is an unworthy one .
22 He was saying that the very fact of being alive inevitably leads us to experience doubts , fears , anxiety .
23 This led her to shun alcohol and medical establishments and to follow a practical , independent , and disciplined life .
24 Furthermore , William of Jumièges was probably writing in the 1050s , after Edward the Confessor had promised the English throne to Robert 's son William , and it was fairly clearly this which led him to repeat Dudo of St Quentin 's story of the English king who entered into a pact with the Normans and later received Rollo 's assistance against rebels , to include accounts of Anglo-Norman relations in the days of Æthelred and Cnut , and to end his description of Cnut 's conquest of England and marriage to Emma by stating that he had wished to explain King Edward 's origins to those who were ignorant of them .
25 His research into the possible use of guerrillas led him to champion preparations for all types of irregular operations , although he could make little headway against the traditional thinking of those directing military operations .
26 His keen instinct gave him a deep understanding of his environment and his innate intelligence led him to devise ways of altering it to his advantage .
27 Membership of the Johannesburg Joint Council of Europeans and Natives , an interracial forum of discussion and protest , led him to advocate co-operation with the progressive black élite , incorporation rather than segregation .
28 And in one respect it 's not quite erm as straightforward as I 've made it appear , and perhaps after all I 'm not wrong in making the claim I did , because E P Thompson , the historian , erm was the person who really made the discovery in the first place , and it came about because he had been interested in the possible links between the Muddletonians and Blake , and this led him to ask questions which , in a roundabout way , led to the discovery of the archive .
29 This led him to accept work in productions that really were n't up to his standard and the increased bookings resulted in a massive turnover of dancers .
30 This led him to reject Marxism as a one-sided sociology , unable to deal adequately with the full complexity of society and social change .
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