Example sentences of "though at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Women , though at one time excluded from most public functions , were never by reason merely of their sex in a substantially different position from men as regards criminal liability , property and contract , if we except the rule ( now nearly obsolete ) which prefers males to females in the succession to real estate on intestacy .
2 In spite of the political persecutions after 1848 , political or ideological refugees formed only a small fraction of mass emigration , even in 1849–54 , though at one time the radicals among them controlled half the German-language press of the United States , which they used to denounce their country of refuge .
3 Readers may be surprised to learn that I have never owned anything larger than a 48″ × 18″ × 18″ , though at one point many years ago a 72″ × 18″ ( angle iron , with a divided front like the windscreen in very old Morris Minors ) nearly came to live with me .
4 Just before he reached it , I used the last two shots on my film , though at that distance I did n't think I 'd pick up much .
5 Application should normally be made to the appropriate education authority for grant aid before 1 June of the year in which the student wishes to enter a course , even though at that time the student may not have been offered a place .
6 With the coming of civilisation and the beginning of this , the third of the Three Periods into which the reader is reminded the explanation of the Created God is divided , man was on the threshold of the era of his greatest testing , even though at that time he may not have been aware of it .
7 Adam was nineteen and in his first year at university , though at that time at home for the Easter break .
8 Papal actions , too , appeared to add further proof : after 1337 , except in 1362 and 1375 , popes no longer taxed the clergy for the benefit of the king in England , though at that time they were certainly enriching the French monarch by clerical taxes ; and while successive French kings readily obtained papal dispensations which enabled them to contract politically advantageous matches , Edward on two critical occasions — in the 1340s and 1360s — was denied such benefits .
9 As a consequence , this was one of the towns that prospered in the golden age of cross-Pyrenean trade in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries , even though at that time there was no road to Luz from the north , only a mule track through the gorge .
10 The 3rd Corps , meanwhile , though at great cost , had pushed eastward and reached Armentieres .
11 In contrast to Emily , her mother was warm and welcoming , though at first sight she seemed lean and severe .
12 We also saw how closely related these two stitch formations really are , even though at first sight this may not appear to be true .
13 Though at first sight these two demands seen strangely unrelated , they do in fact meet in the idea of God 's holiness .
14 It was diagnosed eventually as congenital heart failure , though at first doctors thought it was liver failure , but it had also affected the lungs .
15 The SSC is sometimes keen to be seen as a laboratory for the world , though at other times it remains America 's bid for leadership .
16 Occasionally , he talks to people who enter the mountain , though at other times he can be encountered outside .
17 Mort Homme was ultimately taken by the Germans , though at terrible cost .
18 When state-supported secondary education was introduced in 1878 , a denominational system was officially set up , though at this time the system was only availed of by the few families who could afford to lose the labour of young teenagers .
19 If he was lucky he 'd find a cab there , though at this time of night they were n't frequent .
20 Insurers reckon the cost of repairs will be at least £300m ( $172m ) , though at this stage nobody is really sure .
21 The lengthy , complicated and interesting case of Richard of Anstey ( of some two generations before Innocent III 's time ) shows how it was already accepted that the Crown could have no jurisdiction over the solemn sacrament of marriage , though at this stage the canon law of marriage and what actually constituted a legal marriage was extremely fluid .
22 The Bank concludes that , despite the remarkable fall in the headline rate last month , the underlying level of inflation is still close to the top end of the target range of 1 per cent to 4 per cent , though at this stage of the cycle it should be below 2 per cent , and the cost pressures created by devaluation have still to feed fully into the economy .
23 ‘ The Poles , Mexicans and Brazilians are all treating it as their final Olympic trials and though at this moment there are no pacemakers , they 'll all be watching each other and it could be the most interesting race since it began in 1981 . ’
24 Though at this point I paid little notice to them as he did not emphasise them .
25 Britain was almost alone in systematically , though at this period still modestly , absorbing businessmen into the aristocracy — bankers and financiers rather than industrialists .
26 His 10 brothers and sisters , all from the same illustrious litter , have also won races , though at lesser meetings .
27 A nervous tremor affected his lower lip and he looked as though at any moment he might burst into tears .
28 At the level he now was the breakers looked menacing , as though at any moment they might sweep in to engulf him .
29 A whispered ‘ Yes , ’ and he was back on the verandah , supporting himself on the rail , and bending over as though at any moment he might vomit .
30 He could not keep still and his eyes reddened as though at any moment he might burst into tears .
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