Example sentences of "though in [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Though in instructional demonstrations in the same vein as the majority , Tom Keating 's On Painters series , from the original television series , is absorbing in its coverage of the techniques used by specific artists including Turner , Rembrandt and Degas ( Teaching Art Ltd ) .
2 Decisions in a compliance system are graduated in character ( Eisenberg , 1976 ) , and though in rare cases matters are ultimately settled by adjudication , they are normally controlled by the parties themselves in private , intimate negotiations which rely on bargaining , not adjudication .
3 Various other courtyard structures have been located , though in all cases their exact function is hard to define .
4 Trust always involves risk by others , even though in all schools children are occasionally injured in accidents and some children bullied , parents , on the whole , have absolute trust that teachers will see that no harm will come to their child .
5 They either slept in a car or on the ground with a blanket , though in two days they would be far enough south for the nights to be warm .
6 There is still no satisfactory study of the church 's role in Siberia , though in recent years some work on it has begun both in the Soviet Union and in the West .
7 So far , at least , the official policy of the union has been to support the AWB , though in recent years criticism has been growing .
8 This standard was developed with commercial accounts in mind and it confirms the view that depreciation is a matter of allocation , not of valuation ; though in recent years it has become acceptable to allocate revalued amounts .
9 There is no presumption that monopoly is necessarily bad , and the Commission is charged to investigate whether or not the monopoly acts against the public interest , a brief that may be widely interpreted though in recent years there has been increasing emphasis on the ‘ maintenance and promotion of effective competition ’ .
10 Throughout her life she was a regular worshipper at Llanfwrog Parish Church , even though in recent years she was largely confined to her home .
11 According to the OECD 's 1990 report Development Co-operation , net financial flows to the developing world increased by 3 per cent to US$110,000 million in 1989 , though in real terms they were still little more than half the level at the start of the 1980s .
12 Legislative decisions on most issues , including competition law and company law , are taken by ‘ qualified ’ majority before the Council , though in certain matters , such as tax harmonisation or the legal rights of employees , the Treaty of Rome requires unanimity .
13 It was explained in Chapter 7 that in certain contexts no is pronounced , but the theory mentioned in the last sentence would claim that at an abstract level there is a phoneme , though in certain contexts the is not actually pronounced .
14 Geological exploration both coastal and inland yielded reports of coal measures and mineral ores , though in small amounts and generally difficult of access .
15 I am not sure how far , without these visible or audible marks of strangeness , ‘ they ’ would be recognised by cultural differences , though in racist reactions much is made of such things : how good Frenchmen are insulted by the smells of North African cooking , or good Brits by that of curry emanating from their neighbours .
16 ‘ Generic ’ ideal types are categorizations of empirical phenomena universally present in social action , though in varying degrees , such as goal-oriented action .
17 And then , though in varying degrees , you can see or hear these specific kinds of work : relatively easily if they are specific forms of your own culture ; with more difficulty , and sometimes with absolute difficulty , if they are forms of some other , especially remote culture , or if your own culture is deeply divided and these forms come from an area that is strange to you .
18 Ironically , the government really has been true to its policy of noninterference in the ‘ free market ’ where women 's opportunities are concerned , though in other areas it has often recognised the paradox that non-interventionist policies require intervention to make them work .
19 With some of the open clusters , binoculars are adequate to show many individual stars , though in other cases the overall effect will be a gentle blur of light .
20 The cost of travel to the place of trial will also be relevant ; in an extreme case , the expense of the plaintiff 's own journey to the only available forum might exceed the value of the claim , though in other cases legal aid may be available to cover those costs .
21 The British public , after years of sacrifice , were less and less inclined to tolerate prolonged austerity ; and , though in other fields the Labour Government was extremely successful in diverting resources away from consumption and towards investment and exports ( at considerable cost to its own political popularity ) , there were limits to the extent that this could be achieved in electricity .
22 At some maintenance depots the establishment of specific sub-sector pools led to significant improvements to reliability , even though in many cases the locomotives concerned were travelling further from home than ever before .
23 Many of the victims , of course , were badly burned after death by the fires that swept the town , but even those that died in the open showed severe burns on their bodies , even though in many cases their clothes were not even singed .
24 Under SSAP 24 and UITF 6 these long-term obligations are accounted for on a full provision basis , even though in many cases it is likely that they will continually roll over , and it has been argued that it is difficult to justify a prohibition , as SSAP 15 would otherwise require , on the related deferred tax being treated on a similar basis if it , too , continually rolls over .
25 Under SSAP 24 and UITF 6 these long-term obligations are accounted for on a full provision basis , even though in many cases it is likely that they will continually roll over ( ie as one obligation is settled another will arise ) and it has been argued that it is difficult to justify a prohibition , as SSAP 15 would otherwise require , on the related deferred tax being treated on a similar basis if it , too , continually rolls over .
26 Most of the many Women 's Action/Support Groups were founded spontaneously by residents of the communities , though in many cases they were stimulated to act by either or both of Scargill 's rhetoric and the example of other communities — often perceived through the voluminous television coverage achieved .
27 So far , the thrust of the analysis has been that firms are likely to want vertical integration and that , though in many cases it would be socially desirable , in some it may not be .
28 Monetary assets and liabilities are also shown at historic cost , though in many cases the historic cost of a monetary item is the same as its current cost .
29 The problem may be solved just by a solicitor 's letter , though in many cases court action is needed .
30 Transport services were costly and hard to organise ( though in many cases they were extremely carefully organised ) .
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