Example sentences of "policy which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , the relationship suggests that there is a trade-off between unemployment and inflation and that the main task facing policy-makers is to choose their preferred combination of the outcomes for two problems and to seek policies which might have the effect of shifting the curve towards the origin .
2 Because of their beauty such villages are also more subject to draconian planning policies which may prevent any new development at all or restrict it to only the limited in-filling of low-density private housing .
3 The Franks Report suggested that : ‘ British Government policies which may have served to cast doubts on British commitment to the Islands and their defence [ include ] the Government 's preparedness , subject to certain restrictions , to continue arms sales to Argentina ( and to provide training facilities in the United Kingdom for Argentine military personnel ) . ’
4 As in the 1950s NACAB will attempt to use the experience of its clients to change policies which may encourage debt .
5 Thus , there are policies which may lie within the present powers of an existing local authority , although these form part of the proper subject of Chapter 10 rather than a discussion of strategy .
6 ‘ The North-East would suffer most from policies which would repel inward investment .
7 The Conservatives have no policies which would mean sustained recovery , higher health care or improved educational standards .
8 There was an enormous amount of planning to do as well as writing the various protocols and policies which would enable me to function as an ENP .
9 Wh what you 're also saying is , is right though , that within that the danger is that inequalities get too great and you would also need a set of policies which would stop that inequality .
10 The problem for capitalism was that this rule was always problematic because of the pressure from the working class and non-monopoly capital for policies which would question the interests of monopoly capital .
11 We offer choice , competition and more investment — how different from Opposition policies which would smash profits and investment , and return to a monopoly .
12 A cornerstone of its manifesto in 1979 was to introduce policies which would release the wealth-generating powers of the free-market system .
13 Of course during the previous factional struggles it had been Trotsky who had been accused of advocating policies which would have led to a split between the working class and peasantry , but now it was Stalin who was in Bukharin 's sights .
14 This analysis points unmistakably to the need for a more deliberate planning and regulation of the global economy , on the basis of new institutions and new policies which would have among their principal aims the control of population growth , a more equitable distribution of wealth and income in the world as a whole , and the implementation of a more sustainable kind of economic development .
15 I wish to call attention to the need for regional government in England , and I beg to move , ’ That this House deplores the excessive centralisation of government in the United Kingdom since 1979 and the failure to decentralise and devolve power to the nations and regions of the United Kingdom ; notes that this is in direct contrast to the general trend towards decentralisation evidence elsewhere in Europe ; furthermore deplores the severe cuts in the regional assistance budget since 1979 together with the failure to enact dynamic and effective regional economic policies which would have promoted balanced economic growth and prosperity ; expresses alarm at the regional divisions which continue to characterise the United Kingdom economy ; and considers that the creation of a regional tier of government in the English regions as well as national devolution to Scotland and Wales is now vital to the United Kingdom 's future economic and political well-being .
16 It was recognised by the defendants that when the employment of an agent came to an end it was likely that there would be in existence a number of policies which would have been effected during the period of the plaintiff 's employment in respect of which commission would normally be paid in future years if the employment had continued .
17 The new policies which would emerge for discussion in an autumn 1990 white paper would take matter well beyond the December 1989 Green Bill , which does not include carbon dioxide among the gases for which standards are to be set .
18 Despite the failure of the old classical writers to form a coherent set of policy prescriptions , their view remained that any attempt to reduce general unemployment must have as its cornerstone policies which would reduce real wages .
19 Major objectives of the study are to identify those aspects of urban deprivation which can be improved by changes in the availability of transport facilities ( both public and private ) and propose changes in local and national government policies which can help in a reduction in urban deprivation through action in the transport sector .
20 If , as RIBA says , none of the major parties have produced policies which can tackle this crisis then the fear for those caught in the homeless trap must be that , whoever wins on April 9 , there is little prospect of an end to their predicament .
21 As abolitionist ambitions widened in geographical scope the ability of reformers to effect them declined in respect both to an informed public opinion able to be mobilised and on finding policies which could bring results through the use of practical methods .
22 The objective of the Lausanne conference should be to encourage Kenya and its allies to emulate the conditions pertaining in the Kruger and Hwange national parks , where culling has become a necessity born out of successful conservation , rather than to encourage policies which could turn them into the run-down disaster zones Mr Leakey described .
23 Secretary Julia Clarke said : ‘ The aim of FoR is to encourage the Government to pursue policies which will bring real benefits to private sector interests and eliminate any threat of continuing monopoly power . ’
24 Er Madam Speaker I I entirely agree with the sentiments which have been expressed by Black and Decker and I have to say to members opposite that when companies like Mercedes are starting to source outside of Germany , with companies like Volkswagen are starting to look er outside Europe and Peugeot and others , alarm bells should be ringing for those members who are genuinely concerned about jobs because there is no doubt that the social chapter is driving people out of work and the longer that members opposite adhere to it er then the the greater will be the er the possibility o of er people er in Europe er embracing policies which will make those countries in Europe less competitive and less able to provide employment .
25 Each year , Labour Party Conference debates and votes on a whole range of policies ; policies which will be implemented when Labour comes to power ; policies which will have a massive impact on the day to day lives of every citizen of the state .
26 Secondly the , the constraint reduces the opportunity that we have to pursue the ethical investment policies which will have regard to the aims and objectives of the Council as a whole , and then lastly there is the matter of practicality .
27 For as long as the marginal disutility of inflation remains positive , there will eventually come a point at which the government will be compelled to pursue policies which will push the unemployment rate back towards its natural value .
28 We will introduce planning policies which will encourage the building of homes near workplaces , leisure facilities , shops and other services .
29 To some extent the commitment to fixed parities by member countries is of itself a discipline and an inducement to pursue policies which will assist in the convergence of economic performance .
30 Obviously , too , they are policies which will take years of consistent application before they can bear fruit .
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