Example sentences of "council of [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 This was the thinking which lay behind the Bonnefous Plan , named after Edward Bonnefous , who was the main architect in the Council of Europe for a European Transport Authority linked to the Council .
2 Turkey assumed the presidency of the Council of Europe for six months from May 6 .
3 He therefore rejected all the re-tabled amendments to the directive , which will now go to the EC Council of Ministers for final approval .
4 At the same time , members of the European Parliament have asked the European Commission to revise the social affairs proposals stalled in the Council of Ministers for months .
5 The Directive on the return of cultural goods unlawfully removed from a member state is not ready for implementation yet , and , although the Regulation on the export of cultural goods to non-EC countries is , it will not enter into force until the Directive has been debated by the European Parliament and has returned to the Council of Ministers for final approval .
6 On 10 November the Council of Ministers for the Internal Market of the EEC reached agreement on two measures regarding the circulation of cultural goods as from 1993 .
7 The Regulation governing another sensitive area , the export of ‘ cultural goods ’ from the EEC , was finally agreed in Brussels , along with the Directive ( see pp. 1–2 ) , by the Council of Ministers for the internal market , on 10 November .
8 The Court of Justice was to be composed of seven judges , one from each member state plus one other , appointed by the Council of Ministers for renewable six-year terms on the nomination by member governments .
9 In their tasks they are answerable to the VPK , the Central Committee and the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers for Defence Production .
10 A copy of the report goes to the minister responsible in advance of publication where the matter is shortly to come before the Council of Ministers for decision .
11 On his return from Baghdad on Jan. 14 Pérez de Cuéllar consulted in Paris with Jacques Poos , the Luxembourg Foreign Minister and President of the EC Council of Ministers for the first half of 1991 .
12 The Luxembourg government , which held the presidency of the Council of Ministers for the first half of 1991 , presented a redrafted draft union treaty on June 20 .
13 Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu , EC Commission President Jacques Delors and Ruud Lubbers , the Netherlands Prime Minister who held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1991 , held their first formal EC-Japanese summit in The Hague on July 18 immediately after the London G-7 summit [ see pp. 38321-22 ] .
14 Austria , which chaired the European Free Trade Area ( EFTA ) Council of Ministers for the first half of 1991 , continued to press for agreement with the EC on a common European economic area ( EEA ) [ see pp. 38353 ; 38307 ] , which Economic Affairs Minister Schüssel described in January 1991 as " an important interim step … along the path to full [ EC ] membership " .
15 A constitutional amendment endorsing the creation of a legislative assembly and council of ministers for Delhi was approved by Parliament on Dec. 20 .
16 The proposal , which was for a referendum on the dissolution of the Byelarus Supreme Soviet , was denounced in a statement by the Council of Ministers on March 4 as an attempt to increase " social tension and confrontation " by blaming the Supreme Soviet and the Council of Ministers for the recent drop in living standards .
17 The Commission had pressed for a 35 per cent reduction , while the latest compromise proposal by the Portuguese government ( which held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the first half of 1992 ) argued for a reduction of 27 per cent .
18 Late on Sept. 20 UK Prime Minister John Major ( whose country held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1992 ) announced that he would call an emergency summit to discuss ratification of the Treaty and to " deal with the particular problems in the foreign exchange markets in recent days , that have revealed shortcomings in the exchange rate mechanism system " .
19 John Major , Prime Minister of the United Kingdom , which held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1992 , declared that Edinburgh would " be remembered as the summit that put the Community back together " .
20 Two years later Francis Joseph showed that his controlling influence was a reality when , during the Balkan crisis of 1913 , he ignored the demand of the entire council of ministers for the presentation of an ultimatum to Montenegro .
21 The project now goes ahead to the Council of Ministers for approval .
22 Its members , led by a former Scottish Office minister , Sir Russell Fairgrieve , will seek a meeting with Mr Lang to urge him to exercise his influence in the Cabinet and the Council of Ministers for Scottish MEPs to be elected by PR , which could dramatically affect Labour 's dominant position in seven out of the eight European seats .
23 Similarly , organisations of adults with disabilities , such as the British Council of Organisations for Disabled People , are pressing hard for better quality , integrated education , given their own personal experiences of segregated provision .
24 The times and places are decided well in advance , usually during the previous November , and invariably the Order of Service is that prepared and recommended by the Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland .
25 The most important thing in this report is from the Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland and it 's a resolution that they passed on Northern Ireland .
26 In any event , following a lot of intensive effort by our Delegation , Ciaran Ryan was elected to the Executive Council of Congress for the coming two years .
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