Example sentences of "within [art] terms [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The meaning of democracy shifts even further once it is interpreted within the terms of the Calvinist principle of the Godly society , where it is the lot of the just to assume power and to guide the citizens in the paths of righteousness .
2 c ) If it is considered imperative that such privileged information should be included on the paper and which [ sic ] falls within the terms of the concern expressed above , then the whole should be submitted for approval by a Chief Officer … who will give a ruling as to its use and circulation .
3 Any ambitions we have have got to be within the terms of those realities . ’
4 In one sense , businesses are licensed by the community to operate and you have to work within the terms of the licence , which tend to change .
5 Lands disafforested during the reign of the usurper Stephen and subsequently reclaimed by Henry II were not within the terms of the Charter of the Forest .
6 We will safeguard the prosperity of Hong Kong , nuture democratic institutions and work with the Chinese Government within the terms of the Joint Declaration .
7 Please note that if the reason for cancellation falls within the terms of the holiday insurance policy , then any such charges will normally be refunded to you by the insurance company .
8 Given that Britain ( like many other countries ) is now recognisably a multi-faith society , it should be clear that we can not conduct this enquiry from within the terms of Christianity alone .
9 N.B. You may make a claim if your cancellation falls within the terms of the insurance policy negotiated by HCI with the Norwich Union , if you have taken that cover .
10 During the period 1967–73 the difficulty of finding sufficient common ground between the belligerents , even within the terms of 242 , became glaringly apparent .
11 He argued that he was not redundant because there was other work available within the terms of his contract of employment .
12 This is worth remembering if your employer tries to justify giving you a raw deal by interpreting a stringent contract of employment harshly , eg by insisting you move your place of work at short notice and without financial help from Leeds to Birmingham , as in one case — even where this is within the terms of an express contractual mobility clause .
13 The Association would regard the professional responsibilities of the librarian to include full discretion over the acquisitions made by the library service within the terms of the general guidelines laid down by an employer : in the case of public libraries these guidelines should not be expected to allow local censorship .
14 They also produced a range of agreement documentation written in simple English but legally correct within the terms of the 1974 Act .
15 ‘ We thought that Cadbury was realistic within the terms of reference he was given , ’ said Chris Swinson , chairman of the Institute 's Financial Reporting and Auditing Group .
16 Where an instrument transfers property in contemplation of the sale of the property at a later date , its treatment will depend on whether it falls within the terms of s 90 , FA 1963 .
17 ( FCA ) of who had been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.32 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to notify clients in writing of the amount and terms of commission received as a result of advice given to those clients and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 5.03 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to give notice to its Bank that all money standing to the credit of its Investment Business Client Bank Account was to be held by the firm as a trustee or agent within the terms of the regulation was reprimanded , fined £l , 000 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
18 They must be licensed , but if necessary an arrangement may be made to operate as a subsidiary within the terms of a licence held by an Irish bank .
19 Neither company had operated within the terms of its constitution and the loans of both companies to each other had been in breach of their respective constitutions .
20 The acceptance of a claim within the terms of the Statement of Practice is not an acceptance by the Revenue that it is factually correct .
21 Despite an EEC directive requiring member states to have motor policies giving automatic compulsory cover , not all countries in the Green Card system are within the terms of the directive .
22 The new ideas were an outgrowth from this , but were sufficiently novel that they could n't be pursued within the terms of his research contract with the DOE .
23 Take care to establish whether within the terms of such a contract you are considered part of the rostered qualified workforce , or whether you are to be treated as supernumerary .
24 The PCC has the power to remove practitioners found guilty of misconduct from the Register , and to restore them within the terms of the empowering Act .
25 He was told that within the terms of the contract nothing could be done .
26 In Britain there was a significant reduction in the number of employees eligible for employment protection , so that to be within the terms of the Employment Protection Act , they had to be working for two years instead of , as previously , six months .
27 This employment context of increased competition between applicants for insecure part-time or fixed-term jobs with few protective conditions , suggests that the ideals of rehabilitation and normalization — that is the restoration of opportunities for participation in all areas of civil society will be extremely difficult to implement within the terms of hospital rundown .
28 Here we can see a rather different perspective on the human alienation which Lukács describes ; in Foucault 's account , Marxism 's attempt to reproduce the totality in itself falls within the terms of his argument by which totalizing theories of history are based on an anxiety derived from the break-up of its unity .
29 If the reason for your cancellation falls within the terms of any holiday insurance you may hold , you should make a claim direct to the insurance company , as it is possible that the proprietor of the hotel , guest house or self-catering property may charge a cancellation fee .
30 If the reason for your cancellation falls within the terms of your insurance cover , you may be able to claim a refund of your cancellation charges from the insurance company .
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