Example sentences of "member of the international " in BNC.

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1 The workers , members of the International Association of Machinists , are taking advantage of the boom to try to make up for years of contract concessions and stagnant income .
2 In 1983 he was one of the original members of the international Academy of Humanism , and in 1988 he received the International Humanist Award ‘ in recognition of his long-standing contributions to the cause of human rights , the scientific outlook , and the ideals of humanism . ’
3 Oddly , consuming countries are also members of the International Coffee Organisation , which policed the old cartel .
4 As Members of the International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) , the firm represents the Hellman Worldwide Network , giving it the ability to work with other reputable agents throughout the world and provide consolidation air freight services at competitive costs .
5 In the annual review ( July 1984 ) of the members of the International Energy Agency , ( which was the body established to co-ordinate the response of the industrialised , non-Communist countries to the 1974 oil shock ) it was stated that , ‘ long-term prospects for meeting energy requirements and maintaining energy security are now better than at any time since 1973 .
6 They met 45 times over two years and prepared reports which were circulated to the other members of the International Commission and to the editors of the more important chemistry journals .
7 None the less , its heavy dependence on exports of minerals , especially gold and diamonds ( which make up about 80 per cent of export earnings ) , make it vulnerable to fluctuations in the world market , and to sanctions imposed by some members of the international community .
8 NEXT week 's meeting in Kyoto of the 39 members of the International Whaling Commission will be marked , as usual , by a battle between those who want to kill whales and those who want to save them .
9 The tournament , to be jointly hosted by India , Pakistan and Sri Lanka , will be contested by 12 nations — the nine Test-playing teams and three associate members of the International Cricket Council .
10 CASH raised at a display of medieval jousting will pay for a wildlife garden at a Suffolk school.Pupils , parents and staff from St Jame 's Middle School , in Bury St Edmunds , were entertained by members of the International Jousting Association on Saturday.Headteacher Bob Thackray said the group gave a demonstration of the skills and equipment needed to take part in jousting before the display itself got under way.He said entertainment also included a whole range of craft stalls , games and competitions , all organised by the pupils .
11 Thus there was fundamental disagreement on what steps should be taken to resolve the problem , and cooperation between members of the international monetary system reached a low ebb .
12 They operate to create expectations as to future behaviour between members of the international community in a wider setting than treaties .
13 These changes in the subject matter of international law , in the participants in international activities , and in the arenas within which the participants perform have exposed the inadequacies of the bilateral model for the accommodation of third parties , either as individual members of the international community or collectively as the international community as a whole .
14 All members of the international community are included within this last category as having suffered a constructive or derivative injury , leaving no residual category of third States .
15 This deconstruction of the concept of an injured State to include third parties to treaties and members of the international community in the event of an international crime reinforces the choice of topics to be examined in this book .
16 An international crime has effects erga omnes and entails certain unilateral or collective obligations for other members of the international community : the obligation of non-recognition of the situation created by the act ; the obligation not to assist the author of the act ; and the obligation to assist the victim State .
17 A treaty may create expectations in other members of the international community that it will be performed , and third parties may arrange their own affairs accordingly .
18 Some of the third party claims examined will be based upon recognised legal rights and obligations , but others are based upon certain needs in which some merit is recognised by members of the international community .
19 Other members of the International Law Commission felt that the European Communities is a unique organisation which did not need to be catered for by a particular Article .
20 In 1972 members of the international armed forces based in Western Europe were invited to join in and Brigadier Graham Hollands , who is the very able Chairman of the Championships , is shortly hoping to include a Russian team !
21 For members of the International Rights Centre who are also attending the symposium , the cost is £50 .
22 Since only the United Nations can do the job of peacemaking , is the Minister concerned that just over half the value of the assessments on individual countries for last year has been paid , and will she therefore press other members of the international community to ensure that they give the United Nations the resources to do that necessary peacemaking and peacekeeping job ?
23 Five new proposals were tabled on Dec. 14-15 : by the USA , by the four Nordic countries ( Finland , Iceland , Norway and Sweden-but excluding Denmark as a member of the EC ) , by members of the International Textiles and Clothing Bureau , by the five contracting parties of the Association of South East Asian Nations ( ASEAN-Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippines , Singapore and Thailand , but not Brunei which was not a contracting party although it maintained a de facto application of GATT following its achievement of full independence at the end of 1983 ) , and by Bangladesh on behalf of the LDCs .
24 Members of the international AIDS pressure group Act-Up staged street protests against the US immigration restrictions .
25 With regard to the world conference on human rights due to take place in 1993 it noted the " persistent side-tracking of economic , social and cultural aspects of human rights by some members of the international community , while invoking civil and political aspects of human rights as a condition for extending economic and social development assistance " .
26 The strike had begun as a dispute between members of the International Association of Machinists ( IAM ) and the CSX Corp. , one of 40 freight companies involved in contract negotiations with the union .
27 In order to reduce the supervisory role of the Bank itself , it intended to recruit marketmakers solely from those firms and institutions who were already members of the International Stock Exchange ( and therefore subject to the regulatory framework of the ISE ) .
28 On this World Communications Day , I extend my cordial best wishes to all the professional men and women striving to serve the human family through the communications media , to all the members of the International Catholic Media Organizations active throughout the world , and to the vast body of media consumers who are their audience and towards whom they bear a very weighty responsibility .
29 All members of HIAN receive the College 's Journal ‘ Henley Newslink ’ , which contains information and news about Henley 's world-wide activities as well as articles by and about leading members of the international business community and Alumni .
30 The Princess , who is herself a veteran of the 1976 Montreal Olympics , was joined on her tour by other members of the International Olympic Committee and the chairman of the British Olympic Bid , Bob Scott .
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