Example sentences of "' response to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our study has collected data from 10 first wave fundholding practices and seven non-fundholding practices to measure their use of hospital care ( inpatient and outpatient ) , the speed and nature of the hospitals ' response to requests from the practices , prescribing patterns and costs , and any innovations or changes introduced in practice based facilities , as well as monitoring the views and experience of general practitioners , hospital consultants , and patients .
2 They should cover in particular the pupils ' response to literature , and their competence in using information and reference materials , and should meet the general criteria described above .
3 The ‘ talking like a lady ’ explanation is a mirror-image of Peter Trudgill 's suggestion — which is based once again on his Norwich informants ' responses to self-evaluation questions — that men give ‘ covert prestige ’ to working-class nonstandard speech , associating its roughness with masculinity .
4 How might such processes be affected in female readers ' responses to stories about males , which concern traditionally male interests and which frequently exclude them altogether or restrict them to a passive role ?
5 Teachers ' responses to questions about gender suggest that they are aware of the issue and are , indeed , ready to consider possible ways forward .
6 It will examine 16-18 year-old pupils ' responses to arguments about science-based social issues as presented in video/TV programmes , through small group discussions and relate this to two types of science course being taken at school by students of comparable ability — Science , Technology and Society ( STS ) courses , and more formal science courses .
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