Example sentences of "become [art] [adj] term " in BNC.

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1 Offa 's description of Ealdred as ‘ my subregulus , dux , that is , of his own people , the Hwicce ’ ( CS 223 : S 113 ) , which reveals dux becoming an acceptable term for a sub-king , dates to as late as 778 , twenty years after Offa 's accession .
2 In a sense ‘ play ’ can become the generic term for all these varieties of activity on the basis of ‘ disinterest ’ .
3 Under the influence of democratic ideologies , on the other hand , this usage may be turned round and then ‘ popular ’ can become a legitimating term ; this was the case in post-revolutionary America .
4 Yet when one starts to look at the overall picture a little more deeply , will the obvious strengthening of what will be nine single Championship weeks , be anything more than a move which enables the rich to get richer and actually sets into motion what could become a long term contraction , rather than expansion of the sport , especially if the much-needed revival in the world economy takes longer to become bullish than some of the optimists have been forecasting .
5 ‘ Detente ’ quickly became a pejorative term , and President Reagan , elected in 1980 , referred to the USSR in a celebrated phrase as an ‘ evil empire ’ ; the Russians , he declared at his first press conference , would ‘ lie and cheat and pursue their ends of world domination ’ .
6 His basic method became a generic term in the English language , and his special contribution was to develop an economical way of bringing and keeping existing roads up to scratch .
7 In the context of systems design , task analysis has become the generic term applicable to the field study of human performance .
8 Though resisters were often called " Gaullists " by Vichy officials or Germans , this was largely because " Gaullist " , like " communist " , had become a broad term of abuse .
9 And since last October ‘ The Little Red Province ’ has become a pejorative term , like ‘ Reds ’ .
10 Mills and Boon has become a generic term for a mass popular fiction for women , and with that metonym has defined an area of study of popular cultural forms .
11 This has almost become a technical term meaning philosophy of ministry or an understanding of , crudely , what they are there for .
12 If the pedestal stands for fixity and place , what does the frame represent ? does embroidery/stitch , void of the frame , also become a malleable term , extended to include ‘ just about anything ’ , autonomous and self-referential ?
13 The question of whether a statement made during the course of negotiations remains a mere representation or becomes a contractual term , turns on the intention of the parties .
14 As Nourse LJ held : The description must have a sufficient influence in the sale to become an essential term of the contract and the correlative of influence is reliance .
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