Example sentences of "still leaves [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That still leaves a healthy blend of seasoned hands and determined younger players , many of whom are happy to be regarded as all-rounders rather than specialists .
2 But as noted , this still leaves a substantial number of women with , over a working lifetime , limited access to occupational pension benefits in their own right .
3 Here at least is an honourable attempt to deal with a serious theme ; though based on a true story , it still leaves a lingering suspicion that life is not quite so neat .
4 This still leaves a large proportion of the variation unexplained .
5 But this evidence still leaves a large gap to be filled between the early fifth century and St Cuthbert 's visit .
6 Reducing this to one fifth still leaves a potential strength of between 2 and 4 per cent of E , which is roughly what is achieved in practice in fibre-glass and is a good deal more than one can reach , keeping a safe amount of toughness , with the metallic ductility mechanism ( Chapter 9 ) .
7 In three hours ( 180 minutes ) , you can allow yourself a generous 5 minutes for reading the questions at the outset , followed by four answers of 40 minutes each ( 160 minutes ) , which still leaves a 15-minute margin at the end .
8 Useful though this information is , however , it still leaves the central question open of whether the figures came to Britain in antiquity or more recently .
9 Alongside 1p 's and 5p 's you will come across plenty of 2p 's and that still leaves the occasional one-pounder lurking amongst the litter .
10 This still leaves the first topic , namely why in practice government does interfere , and the question of motivations embodied in one central group of actors not so far highlighted , the regulators themselves .
11 That still leaves the unresolved question of the nuclear inspections .
12 This still leaves the fundamental question of how people value landscapes , and how different tastes and needs can be catered for .
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