Example sentences of "still live [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The nation had also become economically and demographically stagnant : heavy industrial production lagged behind Britain and Germany , nearly a third of people still lived off the land , and in 1940 the population ( at about 40 million ) was little larger than it had been in 1900 .
2 One of Ibrahim 's former Jewish tenants still lived on the second floor .
3 It was the grandfather who had founded the school , and he still lived on the premises .
4 Observing her as a well-balanced and apparently fulfilled woman , it surprised me to discover that she still lived with the unexorcised ghosts of a disrupted childhood .
5 I know we have all heard of cases where someone has smoked sixty cigarettes a day and still lived to a ripe old age — but is it really worth taking the chance ?
6 The result of all this was that , although at the end of the century a third of the population still lived below the poverty line and the diet of the poorest included items such as white bread , condensed milk , and vegetable oil margarine , the earnings of a Lancashire cotton operative in 1913 permitted him ‘ a breakfast of coffee or tea , bread , bacon and eggs — when eggs are cheap — a dinner of potatoes and beef , an evening meal of tea , bread and butter , cheap vegetables or fish , and a slight supper at moderate price ’ .
7 The comrades Honecker , Zhivkov , and above all , Ceauşescu himself , still lived in a mental world shaped by both Stalin 's dreams and his cynical realism .
8 But Mesopotamia and Egypt still lived in a world which had been built in the second millennium upon the power of monarchy — the divinely protected monarchy of Mesopotamia and the divine monarchy of Egypt .
9 In 1801 most English people still lived in a rural environment ; only one person in every three lived in a town and most of those towns were small by modern standards .
10 In Robert Roberts 's farming family this seems to have been the accepted practice on both sides : later on , as a young farm servant , he went to work for an uncle where his mother 's parents still lived in the farmhouse .
11 It was no good , she thought , for Signor Fixit to pretend that he still lived in the age of Just William .
12 I heard the news from a guy I knew who still lived in the village .
13 You 're always saying you wished you still lived in the country .
14 After her reception in the village store , she was not keen to go back with further questions to establish that Veronica still lived in the Red House .
15 Since then she had married someone else and been widowed , but she still lived in the district with their daughter , Anna .
16 Very few Russian nobles moved west , but " in 1858 the majority of the nobles in the Russian Empire … still lived in the nine western gubernii [ provinces ] " .
17 Yeah , well er , yeah well go down there I mean he still lives at the back of the shops still just ask him
18 He still lives on the outskirts of his adopted city close on 30 years after he signed for them .
19 After all , despite the success of Mossad , Israel still lives in a perpetual state of fear and terrorism .
20 Captain Phillips , who was divorced from Anne eight months ago , still lives in a cottage there .
21 Despite driving a £30,000 Mercedes — cars , as well as goals , are his obsession — he still lives in a mining village near Barnsley with his parents .
22 Spiro , whose mother still lives in a comfortable first floor flat in Golders Green , had the best education money could buy .
23 £5.5m Former model turned singer Sam Fox makes the richest women charts with a £5.5 m fortune — but she still lives in a humble flat
24 The species still lives in the seas off Florida today The specimen is 6 cm long — but like all gastropods , smaller or larger specimens can be found according to growth .
25 Later to be run on the death of his father by Ted Parris , who still lives in the same road , taking over at the age of 15 until called into the services during the first war .
26 I think she still lives in the parish and commutes in .
27 ‘ He 's dead now , but my mother still lives in the village .
28 Here it still lives in the ‘ fantasy ’ titles on book shop shelves or in the movies , the subject of a growing body of feminist writing .
29 But the severe superego of early childhood still lives in the individual .
30 The Great Train Robbery still lives in the public imagination , and the drama still goes on .
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