Example sentences of "must [vb infin] himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He is a husband who recites with dull pain the continuing succession of his wife 's lovers , while he must comfort himself with fantasies — his own , or the kind printed on cheap paper .
2 Immediately the caveman must prepare himself for two possibilities .
3 He acknowledges that before a contemplative is ready , like Moses , to climb the mountain , he must prepare himself by the time-honoured Western disciplines of Lectio , Meditatio and Oratio — study of scripture , meditation and prayer — but he tells his readers that other authors will tell them all they need to know about these .
4 He must free himself from the control of any established church and its priests and instead subordinate them to the State .
5 In the reply he is not allowed to introduce any new matter and must confine himself to replying to the points made in the discussion and to summarising the main arguments he put forward when moving the motion .
6 It simply did not , and does not , offer a framework on which to hang a convincing story … the geographer , when he analyses the material properties of the man-environment systems , must base himself on the central functions of that system , rather than on the traditional divisions of physical geography .
7 In the two months before he assumes power , Clinton must familiarise himself with what is really going on in Northern Ireland .
8 The odious pair are simultaneously cajoling and menacing : Ferdinand must remake himself in their image , or else .
9 His Prince Hal is never a roaring boy : he sits hunched or sprawled , with dark unwinking eyes : he hopes to be amused by his bully companions , but the eyes constantly muse beyond them into the time when he must steady himself for the crown .
10 He had acted rashly in coming here , but now he was here he must forget himself in his work .
11 Secondly , he must extricate himself from his involvement with the deceased and search out new relationships as sources of rewarding interaction .
12 When one of the fattest hailed him when he was out shopping he decided he must disassociate himself from that crowd .
13 First , however , he must prove himself in the hardest job of his life .
14 As he makes his way along within the quiet desperation of his life , he must reveal himself to us as cuckold , fetishist , masochist , outsider , victim , inferior , loser .
15 He must reduce himself to zero and have perfect control over all senses … ’ .
16 For the next two months , however , he must devote himself to his team and the signs are that the passage through India will be anything but smooth .
17 The right hon. Gentleman must address himself to the new situation which is developing and in which there will be a single currency .
18 Order er the honourable gentleman seems to have forgotten my previous warning , we 're not discussing all manner of rules and regulations , we have four statutory instruments and he must address himself to those .
19 The hon. and learned Gentleman , who is an authority on this subject and a distinguished member of the Select Committee on Employment , must ask himself in all seriousness about the consequences for the supply of job opportunities of Labour 's policies on the minimum wage and increased social charges .
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