Example sentences of "back at the hotel " in BNC.

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1 The people back at the hotel did n't know me .
2 Back at the hotel , the festival organiser , a wiry Scot dressed in a Superman outfit , accosted Rozanov .
3 Back at the hotel we hear the drums begin again and continue long into the night , past the time when exhaustion overcomes the excitement which keeps us from sleep for many hours .
4 By the time he had arrived back at the Hotel Colombi he had decided .
5 She was back at the hotel by 7.45 .
6 ‘ Onstage , ’ Fred reflects , ‘ he 's this outrageous lunatic camp person , but half an hour after the gig he 's back at the hotel reading Somerset Maugham and Rob and I are being disgusting to some barmaid completely off our head . ’
7 Back at the hotel in the tiny hours , Paul Heaton has overcome his post-gig sombreness ( ‘ It was rubbish , ’ he claims ) and is surrounded by his own Sunday League friends .
8 For much of that day , everything is put on hold — Nirvana 's soundcheck , interviews , the NME picture session , Teenage Fanclub 's soundcheck , everything — because Kurt is n't around , still holed up with the missus back at the hotel .
9 BACK AT the hotel , the soul-searching goes on .
10 Under the circumstances , with the band far keener to slope off and mope back at the hotel , the gig goes remarkably well .
11 Back at the hotel , I help him clear up the lounge bar , which still bears the debris from Andy 's last party a few months earlier .
12 There were several messages for her when she arrived back at the hotel , and she worked at her desk until six before walking back to the house through the gathering dusk .
13 Back at the Hotel they " got another horse and gig to take us to Lagg , a distance of nine miles north where our good missionary lives .
14 It was identical to the one worn by the man in the photo she had back at the hotel .
15 He said it abruptly , his body twisted round so that he could look back at the hotel .
16 We have plenty more back at the hotel , and I guess you kids do n't have much money . "
17 I was still brimming with plangency , chockful of feeling , when I arrived back at the hotel .
18 Back at the hotel , after finally conceding that there was no way out of her financial dilemma other than to go to work for G.W. Fashions , Lisa had demanded , as Vass had sat there drinking coffee , oblivious of the callous blow he had inflicted , ‘ So , how long is this arrangement supposed to last ?
19 It was nearly six-thirty by the time she arrived back at the hotel , having spent more time wandering through Strøget on the way there .
20 ‘ I 'd like to get an early night , so I 'll just grab a sandwich back at the hotel . ’
21 Dane and Marianne would probably be together right now back at the hotel , and she wondered just how he would be feeling .
22 ‘ Yes , he 's back at the hotel . ’
23 Back at the hotel , instead of heading for the bedroom , she led him to the bar , where they took a couple of glasses of malt and fell to chatting with some locals who 'd ‘ just dropped by to have a nightcap ’ despite the fact it was gone midnight and they all had work to go to in the morning .
24 ‘ And that 's back at the hotel . ’
25 Her other suitcase was back at the hotel in Mariánské Láznë .
26 There will be plenty of time for the softhearted to recover back at the hotel .
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