Example sentences of "down to the present " in BNC.

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1 Issues of class conflict within the group were to remain largely subordinate , as the matter of the nature and defence of loyalism itself was to dominate the scene right down to the present day .
2 The Canadian model has a curious corollary , which was to have an unhappy future , extending almost down to the present day .
3 It has a history that goes back to Morgan and Drake , a history of piracy and corruption that reaches down to the present day .
4 Because it is inexpensive , burning incense-sticks to tell the time continued to be used down to the present century .
5 It subsequently evolved into a lower-case ‘ Roman ’ face , and with the capital lettering mentioned in the preceding paragraph is still employed by printers down to the present day .
6 While revolutionaries may condemn such temporizing , this was an orientation which continued to inform the approach of most peace activists , including socialist ones , down to the present day .
7 The members of this parliament immediately set about introducing legislation to reform abuses within the English Catholic church , and during the course of the next seven years they passed a series of statutes which would lead that church into schism and formalize its break with the Roman papacy , which has lasted down to the present day .
8 Though ( except for the definition of the bodily Assumption of Mary in November 1950 ) none of these declarations fell into the formal category of infallible as defined at Vatican I , none the less Catholics came to expect authoritative guidance from Rome on all manner of issues — a strong tendency within the Church down to the present day .
9 It seems to me to be right to make the Tate into a museum entirely devoted to British art , from its beginnings down to the present day .
10 In part it must mean that past generations of people have created a culture and it has been handed down to the present generation .
11 Such reasoning can be traced down to the present day , although there are variations on the theme .
12 But the idea — current indeed in Anglican circles until the last century — that Jesus ‘ ordained ’ twelve men ( who became the first ‘ bishops ’ ) , who subsequently laid their hands on the heads of others , and so forth down to the present day , can certainly not be allowed to stand .
13 Several varieties of chalcedony , a silica in crystalline form , translucent and sometimes transparent , waxy to the touch , hard and extremely enduring , were treasured for jewellery , amulets and seal-stones from the earliest civilizations of the Old World down to the present time .
14 Despite the salutary scepticism of David Hume this scholastic convention has survived right down to the present day and is perhaps best explained by saying that when intellectuals who have the mental habits of university professors are invited to specify the distinguishing criteria of human beings they end up by producing a self-image of themselves .
15 Apart from this unfortunate monarch , a good deal of interest has always been shown in the site , with a long sequence of systematic excavation from 1906 down to the present day .
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