Example sentences of "after the second [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Cook was taken to Edinburgh 's Western General Hospital for emergency brain surgery after the second fall , but died five days ' later .
2 Hooks are found on segments after the second branching but they do not form complete rings until beyond the third or fourth branch ; in juvenile specimens the rings may appear after the second branch .
3 Yields are best after the second lactation and the smallness of the fat globules makes the milk very digestible .
4 The consequence of this ‘ friendly and useful ’ advice was that the parts healed in half the time after the second operation as they did after the first .
5 This patient died of liver failure 2 months after the second operation .
6 After the second treatment we saw by sonography a splitting of acoustic shadowing into three parts as a sign of fragmentation .
7 When the crowds had left after the second home match , Chapman met the helpers in the stand and asked them to take him on trust , asserting that the changes were in the club 's interest .
8 These were persistent after the second night .
9 After the second night of Richard II … when that fight broke out ?
10 There was a steady flow of people during the day and in theory the last to use the gate after the second hour of night should be the one responsible for bolting it .
11 He preferred to count what rugby had given him , as he remarked to his squad when the tourists handed out their thank-you presents at a private party the morning after the Second Test .
12 Jean-Paul Scarpitta , her ‘ cultural adviser ’ , meanwhile had been indicted for ‘ forgery and embezzlement of public funds ’ and only released from bail of FFr1.2 million after the second inventory .
13 New boy Gary Peebles added a third for Linfield just before the end but the scoreline did little justice to a spirited Newry side reduced to ten men after the second half dismissal of David Coleman .
14 Some groups of the dissatisfied were influenced by the Manichaean teachings which came from the east of Europe after the Second Crusade ( 1147 ) and were transmitted along the trade routes to the towns of north Germany and Lombardy .
15 After the second bond issue ( by which time half the total programme allocation had been made ) investor participation through the EPL was excluded .
16 The suburban southern venue for the selection board is more than just convenient ( a sortie into Lancashire was abandoned after the second session ) , it is a metaphor for the new style of the party .
17 After two years they die out , unable to complete with the grass and your nursery-raised seedlings , which are plug-planted into the award after the second mowing .
18 Two weeks after the second booster dose , the animals were anaesthetised with barbiturate , and exsanguinised by heart puncture .
19 If he failed to pay one instalment , he was fined a halfpenny for every shilling , which became a penny after the second omission when the loan society secretary sent him a circular letter for which a fee of threepence was exacted .
20 Torrential rain saw the going at Doncaster change to soft after the second race which pleased trainer Richard Hannon almost as much as his 3,212–1 treble supplied by Rajmapata , Flight Lieutenant and Tickerty 's Gift .
21 It is the equivalent of a bill becoming law after the Second Reading .
22 After the second leg , the teams — two women teams , four husband-and-wife teams , nineteen men teams — voted not to time the legs for the rally .
23 ROD LATHAM was run out for 119 as New Zealand finished on 325–3 after the second day of their rain-affected First Test against Zimbabwe in Bulawayo .
24 After the second day 's play the ball in use was locked in the Oval safe and sent to Lord 's the next morning .
25 If tolerated , a normal diet was introduced after the second day .
26 After the second year , the allowance is reduced by one-sixth and that figure is deducted from the allowance each year , so that it reaches zero after seven years .
27 In the summer vacation after the second year and during the first term of the third year , they will , if possible , study Persian in a Persian-speaking country .
28 The meeting opened immediately after the second return to Phnom Penh , under heavy guard , of Khieu Samphan .
29 After the second Battle of Gaza , they were part of a reconnaissance column that struck for Beersheba .
30 A MAJOR talking point after the Second Division promotion clash was why Sheffield referee John Key turned down a goal that would have shattered Middlesbrough 's unbeaten home League record .
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