Example sentences of "find throughout the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They found throughout the interviews that this man displayed the same discursive skills : using a number of key indicators such as the pronoun ‘ I ’ and its other forms ‘ me ’ and ‘ my ’ as indicators .
2 He fell over and clouted his head against one of the heavy silvered cast-iron radiators that were to be found throughout the school .
3 Fine examples are found throughout the country — notably Brighton 's The Ship , by Ernest R Barrow in 1933 .
4 Prince Arthur 's quest for the Faerie Queen which is found throughout the poem is never concluded .
5 Once found throughout the Yangtze , as well as the adjacent Futon River , the baiji , 2.5 metres ( 8 feet ) long , is now reduced to a handful of sub-groups .
6 The Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin , also listed in CITES Appendix 1 , is found throughout the Indian Ocean , and as far north as Canton in China and as far east as Sydney , Australia .
7 No refrigeration , I thought ; not a can to be found throughout the land !
8 In the tropics , however , flowers of one kind or another can be found throughout the year , so there animals are able to make pollen and nectar the mainstay of their diet and have evolved highly efficient organs to collect it .
9 Moore ( 1938a ) considered the main spawning period to be winter and spring although egg capsules are to be found throughout the year .
10 One is Polyodon spathula which is found throughout the Mississippi river , and the second is Psephurus gladius of the Yangtse river system of China .
11 This sort of thing is found throughout the Northeast .
12 On the other hand , luminal EGF may be involved in the proliferative abnormalities of Barrett 's mucosa because EGF receptors have been found throughout the glands of Barrett 's mucosa .
13 Designers say that while still reflecting the nautical air of a Victorian dockland , the new development will incorporate a number of American ideas , based on the festival markets found throughout the United States .
14 I know of another case in Florida in which a 17-year-old boy bought booze from a Jax Liquor Store ( a supermarket chain found throughout the state ) in Tallahassee .
15 They are found throughout the empire in the third and fourth centuries , although they were known elsewhere by different names : castella , turres , centenaria and by the Greek pyrgoi .
16 How could anyone have guessed that the movement the bowlers had found throughout the game would suddenly disappear ?
17 As was found throughout the war , there was an increased interest in private reading ( partly due to blackout conditions ) , and , as I found early on , an increasing public for current affairs as well as for music and poetry .
18 Terrestrial ages determined on Antarctic chondrites ( the most abundant type of meteorite found throughout the world , see Box 2 ) range from about 1000 to 700 000 years , with some clustering of ages in the range of 300 000 to 600 000 years .
19 It is found throughout the world , and about 5–15 per cent of people are infected .
20 Families from the towns and villages of the county emigrated in large numbers , especially in the 19th century , and their spread and influence can be judged by the number of Ayrshire place-names to be found throughout the world .
21 Though the greatest concentration seems to be in Britain ( perhaps only because Britain has been searched most thoroughly ) , this type of design is found throughout the world .
22 Although the unemployment rate in Wirral in 1985 stood at 20 per cent , 87 per cent of the borough 's known opioid users were unemployed , and strong correlations were found throughout the borough between level of opioid use , unemployment and social deprivation .
23 The boto ( also often spelt boutu ) is found throughout the Amazon and Orinoco river systems , which flow through Peru , Brazil , Ecuador , Guyana , Venezuela , and Colombia , including tributaries upstream in Bolivia .
24 It is found throughout the Amazon and Orinoco basins , and as far north as the Atlantic coast of Central America .
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