Example sentences of "find myself [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I visualized Alison as living in a classic North Oxford mansion set on a bosky avenue amid the murmuring of innumerable dons , so I was surprised to find myself directed up the hill to Headington .
2 I first met Basil in Wakefield during the spring of 1959 and was fortunate to find myself working with him on the West Riding vacation course at Ilkley later that year .
3 During the first match I was amazed to find myself sitting beside a Church of Ireland minister , a Free Presbyterian Minister and a Roman Catholic priest .
4 I MOVED FORWARD , out of the blackest sleep , to find myself surrounded by doctors …
5 is totally different so I did the first lecture with what my idea of to find myself talking to a a contract housing guy whose biggest order was two thousand pounds
6 On my last visit to Lewis I found myself repelled by the use of derogatory nicknames , and could n't understand why I was reacting so violently .
7 At table number six I found myself placed between Mackie and Erica Upton , who were already seated .
8 Moreover , I discovered the city to be one of many charms ; time and again , I found myself wandering past delightful rows of old timber-fronted houses , or crossing some little stone footbridge over one of the many streams that flow through the city .
9 Although I was less ready than before to agree that such an objective was desirable , I nevertheless found myself entering into his plans .
10 In August that year I found myself elected as co-optee for Women with Disabilities , loudly proclaiming my lesbianism in my hustings speech .
11 As they passed the alimentari ( shut , as it might be forever ) and then plunged off the road into the shadows of the bramble-lined single track , Haverford quoted , as he had been waiting to do ever since they left Heathrow : ‘ ‘ In the middle of the journey of our life , I found myself lost in a dark wood , ’ ’ he began to translate for the benefit of the children , but they were all , including the baby , asleep now and Molly thought that for her father to pretend to be in the middle of his life was a bit of a cheek anyway .
12 Taking a photograph , I had stepped forward onto nothing and found myself flying through the air , cartwheeling like a rag doll , striking sharp edges and corners and buffeted by hard objects .
13 Twice he passed me his pipe to cut the ends of my suture and on one occasion I found myself trying in the dim light to thread the silk through his reaming tool .
14 In the meantime , despite my reservations , I found myself reflecting on headvoice 's idea : I had to admit , it might make a story .
15 I recently found myself speaking to Geoffrey Norman , the Secretary of the Magistrates ' Association , about court procedures .
16 ‘ This operation in Latvia , ’ I found myself speaking in a whisper , ‘ what is it doing that these machines will do for the rest of Russia ? ’
17 I found myself revising with the small colloquia that lay around the grassy precincts of the university .
18 I found myself humming to the tune of the violin an old man was playing for sous .
19 I found myself living on the base with a dozen nationalities thrown together to know our God more .
20 A dense fog descended on the field and I found myself isolated at left-half marking the right winger — yes , it was some years ago !
21 Not listening was always one of my faults and one of the reasons I so frequently found myself isolated in misunderstanding : like a careless rider , cut off from the company , alone and benighted for failing to pay attention to the prevailing agreements as to intention and direction .
22 Somewhere nearby a field of broad beans was in full flower and as the exotic scent drifted across I found myself inhaling with half-closed eyes as though straining to discern the ingredients of the glorious melange .
23 I fled to the Students ' Union where , within a very few days , I found myself co-opted onto the Students ' Council .
24 A couple of years ago , I found myself consumed with this very thought .
25 I found myself gazing at the harmonium and my memories of the happy times I 'd spent listening to Miss Louise play came flooding back and I wept more .
26 I felt a thump on my back and an instant later found myself propelled along the winding lane at close to racing speed , courtesy of Steve , fourth member of the Peugeot team out for a training run .
27 I 'd known her , and her husband Alan Rakoff , for a long time and as I began searching for someone to play Barbara I just found myself thinking about her .
28 The range of everyday articles on the shelves reminded me abruptly of things at home , and I found myself thinking of my last night before leaving London .
29 It was through this involvement and my direct experience of lesbian oppression that I found myself wanting to be a part of creating a new lesbian feminist identity along with other lesbian sisters .
30 Said the communique De Benedetti sent out by facsimile about an hour after his meeting with the judges , which the paper said seemed to be written in his own hand : ‘ Several times , I resisted the vexations of the regime , in some occasions I resigned myself to accept them , but only when I found myself faced with the necessity of defending the survival of the company and the thousands of dependents and shareholders toward whom I felt a massive responsibility .
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