Example sentences of "find themselves in the " in BNC.

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1 When Adenauer took over domestic administration from the occupying forces in 1949 , an estimated seven million of those found themselves in the new Republic .
2 The people which only a few years previously had committed brutal genocide and waged a terrible war of destruction suddenly found themselves in the role of the great advocate of justice .
3 Traffic began to peter out and they found themselves in the middle of extensive minefields .
4 Yet another court case would loom from this situation although , for once , it was The Smiths who found themselves in the receiving end .
5 Many refugees found themselves in the same position .
6 In 1990 , they found themselves in the bizarre situation of being unseeded at Wimbledon , where they had won the title five times .
7 For example at Edgehill , a GIST pack for discussion of sex roles — Gender in Our Lives — was used in the personal and social education lessons , with teachers talking honestly and openly about their personal experience ; as it happened they found themselves in the middle of a discussion about fathers being present at childbirth , and the children were obviously fascinated by this new view of their teachers as emotional beings . [ … ]
8 Once again , the Elves found themselves in the middle of a war without a Phoenix King .
9 Mangen and Castel relate an appalling tale of how the circumstances in which the French asylums found themselves in the Second World War prompted experiment with alternatives .
10 There is nearly unanimous agreement among historians about the significance of the ‘ impossible situation ’ in which the Plantagenet king-dukes of Aquitaine found themselves in the later thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries .
11 They came out of a summer house or folly , or some such thing , and found themselves in the company of a servant girl who was out walking .
12 And it was here , after the house-warming party which began with hours of few arrivals and long silences , that she and Hugh had finished what was left of the Carafino and found themselves in the narrow bed in the basement where this dramatically argumentative child had been conceived .
13 Owing to a bizarre mix-up between a Japanese morse operator in the South China Sea , and new early closing times at Whaddon Post Office , when football finally got back to normal in 1946 , Athletico , now fielding eleven internationals , found themselves in the Mid-Counties Combination instead of the higher Mid-Counties South-West League ( Northern Division ) .
14 However , by some strange quirk of FA paperwork they found themselves in the Multivite Vegeburger/Singletons Valve Replacement League , formerly the Mid-Counties South-West ( Northern Division ) whose Premier Division Athletico had briefly graced in 1938 .
15 ‘ In 1945 , ’ Husband said , ‘ they were trading cigarettes-which were better than gold in those days — for party cards and affidavits that they 'd always been true Worker Youths-once they found themselves in the Russian Zone .
16 And what course of action would the Mozambican journalists who criticize their government 's policies ( Political puzzles ) take if they suddenly found themselves in the hot-seat of a country in chaos ?
17 I do not believe that the Harrier pilots who found themselves in the Royal Naval Reserve will have the opportunity to fly either , but it is certainly useful to have them in the reserve should they be needed .
18 David pushed open one of the french windows and they found themselves in the library .
19 One of the problems with the streamed situation was that those pupils who found themselves in the bottom streams , who found that they were perhaps not regarded so highly , or so positively by their teachers , tended to respond with misbehaviour in their classes with occasionally vandalism around the school and a generally a negative attitude towards the school and their teachers in general .
20 One of the problems with the stream situation was that those pupils who found themselves in the bottom streams , who found that they were perhaps not regarded so highly or so positively by their teachers , tended to respond with misbehaviour in their classes , with occasionally vandalism around the school and generally a negative attitude towards the school and their teachers in general , and the immediate effect of the mixed ability grouping was to eradicate behavioural problems of that kind almost entirely .
21 Business visitors looking for editorial staff seemed bemused to find themselves in the middle of such a busy and , it has to be said , chatty event .
22 Although the story is probably a fair reflection of the Italians ' unwillingness to find themselves in the middle of an English war , most Englishmen seem to have acknowledged Gloucester 's authority .
23 While the underclass is composed of both black and white workers , black workers , in Elizabeth Burney 's phrase , act as a barium meal in an X-ray — highlighting the weak points — or , for our purposes , the fate of the most disadvantaged , those most likely to find themselves in the ranks of the underclass .
24 Although the story is probably a fair reflection of the Italians ' unwillingness to find themselves in the middle of an English war , most Englishmen seem to have acknowledged Gloucester 's authority .
25 Had John Dorahy not rashly attempted a dropped goal on the first tackle in the closing stages , the Second Division side might have found themselves in the final .
26 On the night the piece was shown in August 1990 , and the following day , Thames Television ran a Help Line staffed by experienced money advisers for viewers who had found themselves in the same situation as Sue and Tony .
27 They were smiling , willing , charming , but they looked like a family from a breakfast cereal commercial who had somehow found themselves in the middle of a real occasion .
28 These were articulate people , perhaps better able to deal with the press and media than some other families who have found themselves in the same position .
29 It is not the first time the British have found themselves in the path of an offensive , it is the first time they 've evacuated , in such numbers and with such urgency .
30 Any members who find themselves in the Adelaide area can be assured of a warm welcome there .
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