Example sentences of "find themselves [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Young women married to salesmen , for once , took an interest in where their husbands would be on the great day ; the older men , who ricocheted between various business interests , were lectured steadily , any time they put in an appearance at home , on the necessity of being in Tollemarche at this time ; and those males who were doomed to spend their lives in Tollemarche found themselves with intolerable lists of jobs to be done , from laying out backyard skating rinks to pinning up the hems on their female relatives ' costumes .
2 In 1990 sales of cars , video cameras and leisure related services boomed as consumers found themselves with higher disposable incomes because of wage increases averaging 6 per cent , at least double the rate of inflation .
3 Although the band could now operate without digging into the personal pocket of Joe Moss ( previously he had financed all the band 's expenses ) , Marr , Morrissey , Rourke and Joyce still found themselves with little personal money .
4 Oil producers found themselves with large dollar surpluses which they did not wish to deposit in the USA , partly as we have seen because of the prevailing regulations but also for political reasons .
5 Once the original cease-fire had been put into effect in 1988 , both parties found themselves with immense tasks of reconstruction to contend with and little , apart from their battered oil-export systems , with which to finance them .
6 As well as causing a breakdown in the economic system , the inflation led to a spread of corruption ; it meant humiliation for many thousands of families , whilst a few successful speculators found themselves with untold wealth .
7 In 376 , however , the Visigoths found themselves under extreme pressure from the Huns , an Asiatic people from the steppes .
8 And predictably , McDonald and wife Juliet , who had also been present at the birth of the label , found themselves in financial trouble .
9 However , high interest rates in 1989 and 1990 brought about a sharp reduction in sales , and some of those who had already bought their houses found themselves in financial difficulty .
10 THERE was a testing time in store for members of THORP 's Chemical Separation Process team who found themselves in hot water recently .
11 When broadcasters were promoted they found themselves in administrative posts : talented people were rewarded with jobs which meant that they broadcast no longer .
12 Inevitably , many of the young men Crawford had been engaged at great expense to coach found themselves in khaki instead of cricket whites .
13 This was precisely the situation in which Charles and Elizabeth found themselves in 1772 ; and we may surmise that they did what brother John was to do later — in the absence of Thomas the Calvinist , who had died just over a year previously , they honoured Charles 's elder brother William by making him the godfather and giving the child his Christian name .
14 Once the prisoners had arrived , the dead found themselves in perpetual company .
15 Many landlords found themselves in economic difficulties , and there was widespread impoverishment of tenants and small farmers .
16 as if in a corny love story , they found themselves in each other 's arms .
17 Recently the junior staff at Southmead Hospital in Bristol found themselves in bitter dispute with the hospital management over the terms and conditions of their employment .
18 Some Western reports claimed that Iraqi troops had been told that they were invading Israel and were deeply distressed when they found themselves in another Arab state .
19 By the late 1880s , however , they found themselves in open conflict with the women 's trade union movement on this point .
20 Computer hardware companies , such as Apple and Compaq , found themselves in this position , as did their software counterparts Microsoft , Lotus and Ashton-Tate .
21 The professional political apparatchiks of the West too often found themselves among kindred spirits in the East .
22 The whole of Cope 's foot , after firing three volleys , found themselves within five minutes of the start of the battle fighting hand to hand , bayonet against broadsword , and a mass slaughter , mainly by claymore , followed .
23 Of course if one " finds " oneself correctly , but certain friends do not , and they try to find themselves through one , or even through one 's findings , all will not be well !
24 The rail unions staged a series of strikes over poor pay and BR insistence on an end to collective bargaining , and were somewhat surprised to find themselves with public sympathy despite many complete network shutdowns .
25 Those who had no qualifications and no regular occupation were also more likely to have little family support , and to find themselves at eighteen or younger , living on state benefits in lodgings , single bedsits , or flats shared with other young people .
26 Single carers who have given up work to care appear to be especially likely to find themselves in this situation .
27 It must be sad and hurtful for any parent to find themselves in this situation , because the vast majority of us have nothing but our children 's good at heart .
28 Only sometimes in dreams the terrible days of the siege , which were like the dark foundation of the civilized life they had returned to , would return years later to visit them : then they would awake , terrified and sweating , to find themselves in white starched linen , in a comfortable bed , in peaceful England .
29 Many of the Socialist ‘ heavyweights ’ , such as Michel Rocard ( the official Socialist presidential candidate ) , Pierre Beregovoy ( the outgoing prime minister ) , Jack Lang ( outgoing culture and education minister ) and Roland Dumas ( outgoing foreign minister ) , are likely to find themselves in severe difficulties in the second round of voting next Sunday .
30 But Tom Poole 's cousins at Marshmills were not invited , and would in any case have been horrified to find themselves among this conclave of radicals .
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