Example sentences of "find themselves [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 FIREMEN called to a chimney blaze found themselves at boss Jeffrey Ord 's home at Alnwick , Northumberland .
2 Moreover , if the person found themselves on income support when old , the calculations for income support would assume they were receiving their full old-age pension .
3 It is n't that difficult then to imagine how Johanna 's parents found themselves on Christmas Eve in the position they did — unsure whether their daughter was with her friends or in terrible danger .
4 The Christians found themselves under attack not only from the Roman government but also from Greek philosophers and representatives of high literary culture , orators , historians ( but not natural scientists ) .
5 The Social Democrats found themselves without influence inside a hard-line Stalinist party .
6 The limits on cash withdrawals were so strict that many companies found themselves without cash even to pay wages .
7 Members who had been earlier supporters of television were confirmed in their views ; those who had been uncertain found themselves in favour ; several original opponents became supporters .
8 Lord Mountbatten first swam into my ken in 1940 when his destroyer , the Kelly and mine , the Tartar , found themselves in company with the fleet the day after the German invasion of Norway ; and from then on , throughout the war and after , I viewed his various exploits with admiration .
9 IT was one of several ‘ underground ’ magazines which found themselves in court in this period .
10 Those who in peacetime seemed brave or merely quaint for believing in all those old doctrines found themselves in wartime much in demand , some as evangelists , some as prophets , some as teachers .
11 Suddenly , in July 1945 , with the successful testing of the atomic bomb , the Allied found themselves in possession of the means to cut short the war .
12 In Scotland as a whole and in Edinburgh in particular , working-class women and girls mostly found themselves in work that in some sense extended their domestic role : housework , laundry , sewing , while better-educated middle-class women who worked were caring for the young and the sick as teachers and nurses .
13 But when in the early summer the Palestinians appeared on the slopes of Mount Sannine and the Christians found themselves in danger of total defeat , a Syrian military intervention in Lebanon became certain .
14 With the cumulative debt arising from this amounting to nearly 20 billion dollars by 1982 , the Yugoslavs found themselves in danger of default on debt service .
15 There was no additional help for students who found themselves in trouble in the summer .
16 But it was n't just the disc dodgers who found themselves in trouble .
17 Anyone who sought to translate their feelings into political activity soon found themselves in jail .
18 Thus from the beginning the community in Donegal found themselves in opposition to state policy when they raised questions over the implications of uranium prospecting and mining .
19 They also found themselves in opposition to certain local commercial interests as a fair number of shares in the mining company had been sold to people in the area , and thus certain local people had a vested interest in mining going ahead .
20 With the death of Olybrius and the appointment of Julius Nepos the Burgundians under Chilperic found themselves in opposition to the emperor ; presumably they withdrew from any involvement in the defence of the Auvergne .
21 Some women went to work in insurance offices , again probably as clerks , a few found themselves in railway offices , and one worked in the offices of the Scotsman .
22 Suddenly Tring found themselves in front , with City committed to attack , Tring suddenly broke down the right and Danny Glass saw his strike-on goal pushed away by Taylor , but only into the path of Danny Rook following up , who put home after sixty five minutes .
23 And , as already mentioned , their dawn was bedeviled with controversy so that the leaders as well as sympathetic hearing people found themselves in dispute about the best methods of helping and educating them .
24 In the summer of 1529 , during an outbreak of the plague in southern England , three men who had been students together at Cambridge found themselves by chance staying in the same house in Waltham .
25 Yet other varieties happen to find themselves in possession of new tricks : they turn out to be even better self-replicators than their predecessors and contemporaries .
26 Sociobiologists are liable to find themselves in confrontation with the cultural and social anthropologists because they are specially concerned with interactions ( especially mating behaviour ) between individual animals which are closely related biologically .
27 It is relatively rare for accountants to find themselves in trouble , whether legal or ethical , because work they have done has been misinterpreted or misunderstood .
28 Also , as owning firms have expanded they have diversified and have found themselves in competition with their consortium offspring .
29 Plenty of guys in this racket have found themselves in front of a jury for a lot less than picking a dame up off the floor .
30 The Old Testament prophets were devastatingly political and frequently found themselves in trouble for it .
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