Example sentences of "find itself [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In September Leslie 's 5th Brigade found itself part of the 4th Indian Division , and it was with this famous fighting force that he was to spend about the next nine months .
2 The Government found itself not in a majority of 87 but in a minority of 92 .
3 On Recommendations 6 and 18 , the Eastern District found itself out of step with National WEA policy .
4 British trade unionism had found itself again after the traumas of the interwar years ; and it would have nothing to do with new-fangled ideas of socialist planning .
5 If Labour can not stake its claim to be the future government , it may be by-passed by events and find itself back in the wilderness .
6 If the French are rebuffed , UNI may soon find itself back in trouble again .
7 Should this occur , a team which is relaxing may find itself out of earshot when their name is called .
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