Example sentences of "find itself [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The meeting at Münchengrätz in 1833 had increased his confidence not only vis-à-vis the Ottoman Empire but also in respect of the West , for Austria and Russia ( and subsequently Prussia ) had agreed not only to maintain the integrity of the Sultan 's possessions , but also to guarantee each other 's Polish territories and to assist any established regime which found itself threatened by insurgents .
2 However , the committee pointed out that in the absence of trade union involvement , it often found itself faced with broader issues of terms and conditions .
3 Most battles indeed occurred as a result of sieges when , as at Châteauroux in June 1187 , a besieging army found itself faced by a relieving army .
4 Political change nationally was to make certain things possible , and town planning found itself elevated to a new position of responsibility with regard to city reconstruction .
5 The Miners ' Federation , possibly because it was the largest and most militant component of the Trades Union Congress , gradually found itself isolated from the TUC General Council and its full-time officials in London .
6 To an American observer , preachers were ‘ the very mouthpieces of their congregations , expressing for them their better selves , the very voice of their inmost hearts so that the whole congregation found itself raised above its ordinary self ’ .
7 In the last years of the Soviet Union and in the new republics the militia found itself dealing with a level of public demonstration — and sometimes disorder — of which it had no previous experience , and it did not always deal efficiently with them .
8 At 0300 hours on 30 June 1989 , 1st Battalion the Royal Scots found itself deployed into hides , along with the attached tanks , artillery and engineers that make up the Royal Scots battle group .
9 The pressures of acts of God and war produced their own troubles ; agricultural poverty found itself pressed with increasingly heavy taxation and baronial exactions from a monarchy and feudal lords anxious to recoup their losses and being none too scrupulous about their methods .
10 Even while freeing its market at home , America found itself locked into the pernicious logic of government-to-government deals abroad .
11 ‘ Ratners thought this through a couple of years ago and then found itself locked into the game of pushing price to keep volumes moving and everything was put on the back burner , ’ says Richards .
12 WHEN Swedish authorities suddenly changed the wording they wanted on 50,000 yacht paint cans , Courtaulds Coatings found itself slap in the middle of a crisis .
13 The Masai were elusive , even when constantly told they had nothing to fear , and consequently the British administration found itself engaged for fifty years in a ceaseless struggle to impose on them some measure of control .
14 Certainly not the firm of Hang , for within the space of ten years from their involvement they had expended around £31,758 and all that money , and a deal more , found itself disseminated in two or three quiet corners of this remote part of England .
15 The BBC found itself embroiled in a long series of disputes with the government , partly over its financing , partly over alleged anti-government reporting of such episodes as the Libyan bombing raids in 1986 ( covered by an able woman reporter , Kate Adie ) .
16 With a fortnight to go before Spain 's general election , the ruling Socialist party found itself embroiled in more accusations of financial irregularities , this time involving the financing of its referendum campaign in 1986 to keep Spain in NATO .
17 It is hard to know exactly what the company were aiming at or were attempting to say , but after a couple of scenes the audience found itself tussling with one question only .
18 After a year in office , the Thatcher government found itself presiding over mass de-industrialization , inflation of more than 20 per cent , a rise in public spending , and the prospects of a slump .
19 Yet , the irony of the early 1980s — as a deteriorating , but perennial , urban problem rapidly became the most acute aspect of the crisis of mass unemployment — was that a Tory government , willy-nilly , found itself presiding over an increase in state intervention through a variety of agencies .
20 The school soon found itself inundated with applications from college students around the country wanting to enrol on this innovative course .
21 The graphics industry , which was quietly waiting for its traditional suppliers to deliver their promises , suddenly found itself inundated by pseudo-typeset documents output at 300 dots per inch and was , rightly , unimpressed .
22 The Green votes were discarded , the seats recalculated , and the SPD found itself entitled to one extra seat .
23 Resistance , concentrated among the peasantry but common among the urban population including the streltsy , was widespread and the Church found itself confronted with mass disobedience .
24 Excitement flickered inside her like a random spark that found itself landing in a pile of dry autumn leaves as she hardly dared consider the possibilities and what they might mean for her .
25 SCRAM found itself caught in the middle between those who felt nonviolent protest was the only way and those who really wanted to see the whole place go up in smoke .
26 On this view industry found itself subordinated to older sections of the upper class both economically and culturally .
27 The government found itself derided for its failure to stand up for Serbia , assert Russian interests in the Straits — the focal point of nationalist aspiration — and face the confrontation between Slav and Teuton which was widely thought to be inevitable .
28 Friends of the Earth found itself fighting alongside left and right-wing members of the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee to overturn the tax system which benefited investors in plantation forestry at the expense of wildlife and the taxpayer .
29 However , with the immediate advent of the war , BOAC never had a chance to establish commercial operations on any scale , and quickly found itself used by the Air Ministry ( its overseeing body , also in control of the Royal Air Force ) for military transport duties and ferry and communication services .
30 More recently , in the spring of 1982 , it found itself drawn into a disagreement between Birmingham Polytechnic and its city council which proved unwilling to finance the short-fall between the 1982–3 advanced further education pool allocation to the polytechnic and its own estimated budget .
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