Example sentences of "find itself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Thus it was that at 6 30 the same barely-to-bed morning the column found itself outside the newsagent 's in Aycliffe , joined shortly afterwards by the ebullient Edgar .
2 As the country found itself on the brink of a constitutional crisis , Mr Havel said the best way to avert such a crisis would be for President Husak to quit and for a strong prime minister to assume his authority temporarily , as the constitution permits .
3 He [ Chang ] said that the fact Korea found itself on the other side of that line as defined in Acheson 's address , combined with the House action yesterday , appeared to raise the serious question as to whether the United States might now be considered as having abandoned Korea .
4 It was the latter which still found itself on the drawing board when the rest had hit the cutting room floor .
5 But when the Conservatives came to power in 1979 , local government found itself at the centre of a much wider conflict regarding the role of the state as a whole , and the position of local government began to be ‘ reappraised ’ .
6 We must now return to the general situation in which 5 Corps found itself at the end of 15 May .
7 The severe straits in which the Treasury found itself after the Crimean War made it seem quite impractical to seek a solution which involved increasing the duties of officialdom .
8 The wave of interest in the rediscovery of Celtic music is particularly important , and not merely because of the Celtic-Scottish influence on Leonard 's family ( an aspect that the Montreal Gazette highlighted regarding Lyon Cohen 's Gaelic accent recently ) and American eclecticism — often little more than a slavish following of European forms — which found itself in the development of ‘ pop ’ music , notably of ragtime around 1900 and jazz around 1918 .
9 In war , more common as the Dukes of Normandy used their English kingship to press their rather doubtful claims to the French throne , Sussex found itself in the front line , convenient both for intended invasions and retaliatory expeditions by licensed French pirates .
10 But before long , the company found itself in the midst of the early 1980s ' recession , an event that , by Mr Garner 's own admission , nearly finished TI off for good .
11 This was built for United Air Lines as DC-3A-197B NC 18942 in April 1948 and served with series of US operators until it found itself in the Sudan ( as N8044 ) in 1976 , before going to South Africa and joining Caprivi Airways in 1978 as ZS-KEX .
12 Once again the country which complained most about the policy was Britain , which found itself in the position of being a ‘ net contributor ’ to the EC after 1973 , paying far more into the EC than it received back .
13 Having ridden the contradictions , the paper suddenly found itself in the middle of them .
14 On practically every issue the Comintern found itself in the role of an infallible body which had adopted a manifestly fallible policy .
15 Indeed , while with one hand trying to hold down expenditure by local authorities , the Government found itself by the late 1980s involved with the other hand in massive ear-marked spending on inner urban areas .
16 It found itself amongst the stockwork of veins and rich ore was being found continually .
17 If she 's not careful , her poor old taxi is going to find itself off the road for a week .
18 The first generation to find itself in the vanguard after the second world war mistrusted opera , felt its connections with the old order too oppressive .
19 The Socialist League began to find itself in the same critical relationship with the Labour Party which had forced its predecessor , the ILP , to disaffiliate .
20 The court was influenced by evidence pointing to the fact that the defendants had been negligent and it was stated that had steps been taken to mitigate the nuisance , the Council would not have found itself in the position it was now in .
21 In this chapter I have made no attempt to discuss why it should be that the DES has found itself in the situation of promulgating these various initiatives , or indeed how it sees the relationship between them .
22 It was yielding some ore but had found itself amongst the old bottoms out of which " the eyes had been picked " .
23 What if a council finds itself on the brink ?
24 IBM also finds itself at the wrong end of several historical trends .
25 The Centre for Human Ecology , with its origins in the late C.H. Waddington 's ‘ School of the Man-Made Future ’ of the 1960s and a long history of promoting environmental awareness within the University , today finds itself at the hub of current ideology .
26 Is the inescapable conclusion , therefore , that the régime finds itself between the devil and the deep blue sea ?
27 Today the school finds itself in the midst of a public debate which is shaking the foundations of French politics — some say ethics — has split Mitterand 's Socialist Party down the middle and has put the questions of immigration and integration back on the agenda with a vengeance .
28 As things stand , it is probably only a matter of time before the site finds itself in the hands of property speculators , a sad fate for what was one of the largest mills on the Painswick Stream .
29 In this reading of things , each bureaucracy has become adept at marking out turf and advancing its own interests , whilst the Party-State leadership finds itself in the position of ‘ broker ’ between contending interests and ‘ constituencies ’ .
30 It is not quite the status of an accredited representative , but at least the door will not be shut in the face of any State which finds itself in the position that we and the Germans did in the early 1970s .
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