Example sentences of "find itself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As well as prompting a rise in trade , the existence of a new class which found itself with spare time and spare cash at its disposal also heralded an era of unprecedented artistic achievement .
2 There followed a period of uncertainty until it found itself with new occupants Savory and Sons .
3 We must now turn our attention to the wider situation in which 5 Corps found itself on 10–12 May .
4 Denmark is their other northern commitment , and it is there that 2 RRP found itself on 30 June 1989 .
5 Indirect Rule and the evolution of the Commonwealth idea had disarmed much left-wing criticism of the empire in the years between the wars and encouraged the development among British radicals of ‘ responsible ’ views on imperial subjects , which came naturally to bloom when Labour found itself at last in office .
6 The country found itself during 1990 and in the early part of 1991 in a vicious circle of falling productivity and chronic shortages caused by the lack of foreign exchange to pay for imports .
7 Copersucar , the Brazilian sugar giant and Emerson 's chief sponsor , found itself in serious political trouble when it turned out that it was indirectly financing the vigilante groups who kept Sao Paulo in a state of severe political repression during those years .
8 As time goes by it is likely to find itself under increasing pressure , for the glossy men are now moving into the petrology field too .
9 Following the Coopers merger with Deloittes , Pearson had found itself with three firms of auditors — Deloitte & Touche and Arthur Andersen in the US and Coopers & Lybrand in the rest of the world — a situation it found cumbersome and expensive .
10 This is almost the position in which the Liberal party has found itself in recent elections ( see Table 5.2 ) .
11 In addition to suffering the longstanding US economic blockade , Cuba has found itself in 1990 and 1991 coming to terms with new threats to its economic viability .
12 The system has found itself in dire need of a new way of legitimating itself , and this need has given rise to a variety of responses .
13 How , we may ask , can a country like Egypt , by no means the poorest or most vulnerable in the Third World , find itself in this position ?
14 Morgan Grenfell , once the high-flyer of British merchant banking , now finds itself with few British allies .
15 However , just as at a certain place on the earth 's surface we can still call ‘ down' ’ the direction towards the centre of the earth , so a living organism that finds itself in such a world at a certain period of time can define the ‘ direction ’ of time as going from the less probable state to the more probable ( the former will be the ‘ Past' ’ and the latter the ‘ Future' ’ ) and by virtue of the definition he will find that his own small region , isolated from the rest of the universe , is ‘ initially' ’ always in an improbable state .
16 Here , at the top of Bridge Street , on the road to Rickmansworth , is where respectable Pinner finds itself in rude confrontation with the real world .
17 In extreme circumstances a minority , and especially a national minority , finding itself in such a position may simply decide to secede and create a society and state in which it forms the majority .
18 However a third party may find itself without any available forum in which to present its substantive claims .
19 But even if not , mass lost from evolved bulge stars , expected to be of the order of 0.2 solar masses M and ; per year , will find itself on self-intersecting orbits , and will fall toward the centre .
20 As a result , a nation could find itself with huge quantities of substances which it does not need — which is precisely the American experience .
21 The UK could find itself in greatest difficulty with exemptions granted for pesticides in Southern Water 's area , namely for the herbicides Atrazine , Simazine and Propazine , where a treatment facility is not planned until 1997 or 1998 .
22 On top of that , there are the feelings of disgrace and embarrassment that a firm of chartered accountants of our size and good professional reputation should find itself in this position — even if the factors are outside your control . ’
23 It is particularly sad that CERN should find itself in this strange confrontation ; the laboratory offers the best model for centralised multinational science there is .
24 But even a Ministry Curriculum Development Centre can find itself in some sense isolated from the main machinery of educational planning and administration and thus acquire a certain sense of unreality .
25 The rejection of the peace plan , and the possibility that the West could find itself in military confrontation with the Bosnian Serbs , raises the threat of a more general Balkan war .
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