Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] looking [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Hrun kicked away and scrambled to his feet , to find himself looking up into the wild horse-face of the dragon , its nostrils distended .
2 From his own height of well above six feet , Clive Fairbrother was always surprised to find himself looking down on Richard 's imperiously poised head .
3 He found himself looking round for Slater as she put one hand on the mantelpiece and slipped her shoe back on , fastening the strap again .
4 ‘ Good day to thee , sire , ’ Blind Hugh began , and found himself looking up into a face with four eyes in it .
5 When the guard came to he found himself looking up into the wild-eyed face of a wizard , who was menacing his throat with a sword .
6 Grant found himself looking up at an attractive dark haired nurse .
7 He found himself looking up the skirts of a girl dancing by , and he rolled across the floor in an attempt to keep up with her .
8 The gate swung outwards , and he found himself looking up at the massive head of a yawning dragon with creased cheek and jowl and a lolling red tongue .
9 There were further rattles of machine-gun fire and Rex found himself looking up at a troubled sky .
10 None came and still under the drug 's influence at dawn , he found himself looking out from the top of a forty-foot tree — he had no memory of climbing it — and looking down on a vast meadow , flecked with patterns of multi-coloured light and rocks which turned into horses , all of which filled him with ‘ tremendous emotions ’ .
11 Tom found himself looking down the barrel of a gun .
12 This thought came into Charles 's already overcrowded mind , and he found himself looking off into the wings , whence the fatal shot had come .
13 She came full circle around the house , and opened a door to find herself looking up again at the dangling corpse statue .
14 Ace found herself looking up at the sky .
15 Suddenly she came out through the last curtain of trees and found herself looking down over sunlit green meadowland to where a railway line wound like a serpent through a cutting at the foot .
16 Mary found herself looking down at the small dapper figure of Sidney Watkins , manager of the Berkeley Chase for the last ten years .
17 After he had left , she found herself looking down at her thin , ring-encrusted fingers , at the age-mottled knuckles against which , briefly , his lips had rested .
18 And it was no longer black outside : Ace could see the stars and , as she stood , she found herself looking down , through one of the side windows , at the reticulated surface of the top of the space station .
19 Cassie found herself looking down on her as she passed and so was not able to see her properly .
20 Her hand strayed to touch his short thick hair , a small yelp of surprise escaping her as her wrist was grasped by strong fingers and she found herself looking down into alert blue eyes .
21 She found herself looking down the length of her legs , squinting through the V-shape of her feet at the gaggle of sails across the water , to try and isolate ‘ their ’ two .
22 In the half-light shining in from the hallway , she went to the dormer window to pull the curtains and found herself looking out directly at Harriet 's cottage opposite .
23 The entire village closed down on the day of the funeral , and the trickle of early-season trippers found themselves looking around bemused at the drawn curtains in the houses and the handwritten notes in the shop windows before shrugging to themselves and passing on through .
24 Chalk greeted them and supplied them with beer but , as they drank , they found themselves looking down the barrels of a dozen pistols !
25 ‘ We 've all got to share , ’ she said , as they passed through the swing doors and found themselves looking down at the courtyard of the Museum .
26 As the sky lightened even more and they began to make out their surroundings more clearly , Fenella and Caspar both found themselves looking out for the signs that Floy had hoped to leave .
27 I found myself looking about for steaming strangers .
28 It was only when I was actually up there and the music had stopped , and I found myself looking down at a hundred or so expectant faces , that I remembered the magnitude of the task in front of me .
29 Strange times we live in , he said , when he finds himself looking over his shoulder and thinking he might be safer in Sarajevo .
30 Anyway , what I 'm trying to say is that I find myself looking around more .
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