Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] face [art] " in BNC.

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1 And in Bolton , where an assisted candidate was selected by an association with a large working-class element , he found himself facing a Liberal rather than a Labour opponent and went down to defeat .
2 CAPENHURST foreman John Albino found himself facing the cameras and some tough questions recently .
3 Secondly IBM found itself facing a steadily growing Japanese challenge , especially from Fujitsu , NEC and Hitachi — all three of which companies were in the first six in the world league for mainframes and for data processing overall .
4 He retired from active service at the end of the war but was recalled in the early summer of 1648 when Parliament found itself facing a serious mutiny in the fleet .
5 Germany found itself facing an expansionist Europe and a booming industry .
6 Sierra Leone 's 3,000-man army found itself facing an intensifying struggle throughout May against forces of the Liberian rebel National Patriotic Front of Liberia ( NPFL ) , despite denials of any involvement by the NPFL leader Charles Taylor [ see also above .
7 Lucy went through the door to find herself facing a tall , dark-haired woman whose attire breathed sophisticated elegance .
8 A hand falling on Ace 's shoulder startled her back to reality , and she found herself facing a dripping Benny .
9 She found herself facing a glass-panelled door , with the luminous dot of a bell set in its frame .
10 Choosing a left turn , she soon found herself facing a blank door which might , for all she knew , lead to the cuttings library .
11 She chose left , descended a further long flight and found herself facing a closed door marked ‘ Fire Exit ’ .
12 Turning around , she found herself facing the dark , handsome-looking woman who 'd arrived with Ross Aldridge and whom Diane assumed to be his wife .
13 On command , the vans raced to the side of the road , the cordon parted , and the demonstrators found themselves facing a mounted police charge at full gallop .
14 Once inside , they found themselves facing a glass door , which gave on to the college garden .
15 Now , in the bitter 1980s they found themselves facing the impact of annual cuts in real funding , and pressures to apply new codes of managerial techniques and short-term profit-making out of tune with the traditional practices of British universities .
16 Around 11.30am Cumberland deployed his four marching columns into three lines abreast and the troops moved forward in their battle formation until , 500 yards [ 460 m ] ahead , they found themselves facing the rebel lines , stretching from Culloden park on the rebel left to the walled Culwiniac farm enclosure on their right .
17 Mr Collin said some people have threatened to withhold the £20 surcharge in protest only to find themselves facing the threat of court action .
18 I also found myself facing an astonished mandroid guard , who began to reach for his holstered stun-gun .
19 If we now consider the relations he posits between them we find ourselves facing a comparable problem ; although he posits numerous interconnec-tions between the components of social formations , he neither explains how he arrives at them nor describes them in any detail .
20 Reunited with the Doctor in the capital city of Millenius , Ian finds himself facing a charge of murder amidst a civilisation believing a defendant guilty until proven innocent .
21 Although in general the evidence suggests that it is usually the man 's retirement that provokes most friction , this may change as more of today 's working wives turn sixty and find themselves facing the same need to make difficult adjustments .
22 Now Chancellor Norman Lamont will find himself facing a full-scale sterling crisis when he flies home from his Italian holiday next week .
23 Such frightening costs undermine the credibility of the FDIC , because , if a banking crisis were to start , the government might find itself facing a credit crunch of its own .
24 One day America may find itself facing the last generation of its own weapons , which it had sold to its enemy in friendlier times .
25 Today 's new mother may well find herself facing the additional difficulty of coping alone with her new-born infant — whether due to choice or circumstance .
26 Couples in this kind of situation , suddenly confronted by each other 's moods , prejudices , foibles , and , indeed , continued presence day after day , may find themselves facing a great new emotional challenge at a time in life when they thought they knew everything they needed to know about their relationship .
27 Many observers supposed that the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 would force the Junkers to embark on a programme of liberalisation and reform lest they should find themselves facing a similar threat .
28 In particular , those who borrowed more than was perhaps prudent , based on the expectation of a continuing rise in the price of property , may find themselves facing the twin problems of a capital loss and higher mortgage repayments .
29 Do not deflect the opponent so that his open side faces you or you may well find yourself facing a powerful reverse punch fuelled by the fall forward .
30 You can find yourself facing a much larger debt if the pound has weakened against that foreign currency in the interim .
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