Example sentences of "should [be] looking for " in BNC.

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1 We should be looking for a market-based solution to our problems , not snooping in people 's backyards to check out what kind of barbecue they are using . ’
2 He is n't sure what he should be looking for , so he does n't look and his mind is therefore fairly free to contemplate subjects unconnected with windsurfing .
3 If you do n't have at least two acres for the first horse and at least one per subsequent animal sharing the land , you have n't got enough for satisfactory winter keep and should be looking for an alternative .
4 It is impossible to judge on the basis of a single day , however , and you should be looking for a consistent improvement over a period of time .
5 Even blindingly obvious and crucial insights do n't usually come instantly — it took us 24 hours to realise that the part-concealed agenda behind IBM 's December closures was that the company was signalling the death of the mainframe , a couple of months to realise that the executive search committee of IBM non-executive directors had n't a clue what it should be looking for in a new chief executive for IBM — because they themselves did n't have the computer industry background they needed to recognise how vital such a background would be to the person assuming the post .
6 On the one hand we have Prince Charles and Lady Di encouraging us to do voluntary work , telling us how noble it is and on the other hand we are told it might actually go against us because it takes up our valuable time when we should be looking for work .
7 Within Compact they should be looking for opportunities to improve the curriculum offer to students and promote the professional development of members of the department .
8 Thus what we should be looking for is a system of screening that is capable of picking out expeditiously all cases that require testing and not just a sample .
9 Taking an iron-clad hero and facing him with some massive task will not produce that air of almost unbearable suspense you should be looking for .
10 You should be looking for a machine capable of being upgraded to 16Mb , preferably to 32Mb .
11 What you should be looking for in any savings or investment plan — whether the object is to provide school fees or cash for some other purpose — is investment performance and low charges .
12 An apparently ( to ordinary human consciousness ) miraculous theory is exactly the kind of theory we should be looking for in this particular matter of the origin of life .
13 However , after 3 months we should be looking for positive indications from the policyholder 's medical attendant with regard to a date for returning to work i.e. issue a PAC 8 .
14 This figure here is in effect what we would should be looking for per week .
15 Moreover , the looming rises in direct taxation ( coupled with a drastically-increased cost of motoring ) seem destined to hit the middle-earner particularly hard , and that is surely where ministers should be looking for any significant rise in consumer demand .
16 ‘ Well , ’ Athelstan replied , ‘ we should be looking for a man or woman with no background , someone who has suddenly appeared on the scene , but everyone we have talked to has their own little niche . ’
17 For the future , and with Banishing gripes much in mind , I feel we should be looking for improvements in moling/boring techniques to a degree that , in suitable areas , over 100 metres of main can be laid from a single launch site .
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