Example sentences of "look [prep] the direction " in BNC.

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1 Had anyone been looking in the direction of Miss Danziger they would have observed a faint smile gathering at the corners of her mouth and fading as quickly as it formed .
2 I sat holding the mug , looking in the direction from which I had walked .
3 If you look at a small child 's eyes , they are always looking in the direction in which they are moving .
4 Looking in the direction indicated , George saw a smithy , with the blacksmith and his striker hard at work .
5 His head he was keeping averted , looking in the direction of the drift , at the wall of cluster pines with their black needles and their green cones .
6 He went out for a few moments and stood on the steps between the Greek pillars , looking in the direction of the Residency for any sign of movement .
7 They continued to feed , or stared out on the Zoo not looking in the direction of Minch at all ; while Creggan was so busy staring at Minch in delight and pleasure that he did not notice behind him , in the next-door cage , Slorne stare for the moment at Minch and then swing round and silently resume her vigil at the back top of her cage , looking at the trees and sky .
8 Tim was lying on the sand , looking in the direction the man had gone .
9 ‘ Uncle Stephen can help too ! ’ she added , looking in the direction of her brother who smiled wryly , a little out of it .
10 In fact I think the people who are looking in the direction of change in terms of parent governors and P T As etcetera are , I think looking in the wrong direction .
11 So we can deduce what the field of vision of our globular-eyed trilobite was , by looking at the directions in which all the lenses face .
12 More pressure would have to be applied in that area , before the newspapers started to look in the direction of the National Socialists .
13 You 'll find the little diagram showing you where the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery are on page eleven , page eleven if you want to refer to it right , if you want to look at it in a closer detail tonight that 's fine and if you want to see what I 'm saying now in a diagrammatic form look on page thirteen now if you look at that you 'll see some , the blue vein blood vessels it 's coming out of the right hand side of the heart and if you look at the direction of the arrows , okay , they 're going away from the heart , do you agree with me ?
14 I looked in the direction he was pointing — Roman villa , vestal virgins ' tent , WI stalls with Aunt Bedelia and Mrs Cartwright frantically buttering and jamming home-made scones , street theatre , Punch and Judy , and there 's old Jeremiah just passing the jazz band with his fingers in his ears .
15 Rather , the Commission looked in the direction of devolution of power of some sort ( though the members of it were divided as to what sort ) .
16 Just at that moment , the cats all leapt to their feet with their fur on end and looked in the direction of the door .
17 Julia looked in the direction of his waving arm and saw an equally tall man in UNRRA uniform striding along towards them .
18 The conversation was dying all around her as she looked in the direction that had been indicated .
19 I looked in the direction Dr Jaffery was pointing .
20 Quigley looked in the direction in which he had hurled the paper-stripper as his old lady repeated , ‘ O Jesus , Great News ! ’
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