Example sentences of "should concentrate [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One stipulation of Lend-Lease agreements signed in 1941–2 was that Britain should concentrate on the production of fighter and bomber aircraft for the war effort ; its transport needs would be met by American aircraft .
2 An acquirer should concentrate on the discounted value of the acquired bank 's cash flow .
3 Perhaps we should concentrate on the potential opportunities and rewards involved in the process of getting there , rather than the doubtful pleasures of its lull achievement .
4 This is a more objective discussion than progress monitoring and should concentrate on the problems the surveyor is encountering in his own contribution rather than the inherent problems of a particular job .
5 Richards believes his 38-year-old player-boss should concentrate on the managerial side .
6 IF Mr Major is intent on further training schemes , he should concentrate on the police , Customs officers , bus drivers , railway staff , children 's nurses and home helpers for the elderly .
7 Another view expressed was that the stock of money per se was not of prime importance and should not be the prime target of the authorities ; rather the authorities should concentrate on the liquidity of the whole system .
8 The same problem arises with Bruner 's injunction that the curriculum should concentrate on the essential structure of a subject .
9 Given the time and resources available to the project it was agreed that we should concentrate on the topics shown in Figure 1 .
10 Barrows argued that geography should concentrate on the study of the association between man and environment , it should concentrate on themes which lead towards synthesis with an economic regional geography occupying a central place , but that specialized branches , including geomorphology , climatology and biogeography should be separated from the parent subject .
11 With Samson we have to decide whether we should concentrate on the time of its circulation in the early 1670s or whether we should attempt to determine a precise date of composition .
12 In a related development , the US administration proposed in April that the second round of START ( due to commence after the conclusion of the START 1 talks ) should concentrate on the elimination of land-based strategic nuclear missiles carrying multiple warheads ( MIRVs ) .
13 I believe that the polytechnics and other public service institutions should leave to the universities the essential functions of pursuing and transmitting specialist knowledge through research and scholarship and that , drawing on this knowledge should concentrate on the no less difficult and important task of meeting this wider demand from potential learners from 18 to 80 .
14 Erm logic suggests surely that that erm one should concentrate on the adequacy of the phasing er the existing phasing mechanism , and the words within policy H one and the guidance that the county is giving to the to the district authorities , in how they should phase the release of the committed land .
15 The decision was not well received by those Americans who believed that their allies should concentrate on the provision of conventional forces .
16 You should concentrate on the cost of finance , so the decision depends on the following :
17 It was also decided that they should concentrate on the contract market .
18 The scientist taking a more generalist view should concentrate upon the structure and magnitude at all levels of magnitude , fit detail into the general framework and , by endeavouring to identify relationships , believe that some knowledge of connected complexity is preferable to an even more detailed specialized knowledge .
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