Example sentences of "may be less than " in BNC.

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1 For the reader , however , an art defined as national , made as cohesive and marketable as possible , may be less than convincing as an entity ; it may be that within a survey or an anthology there are just a limited number of interesting and attractive works .
2 The interpretation intended by Seebohm remains uncertain and as with much legislative debate it may be less than profitable to seek exactitude in a vague formulation .
3 In the next chapter I examine further the idea that believers in God may be less than certain of God 's existence .
4 But in the case of ‘ meaning theism ’ there is the possibility of recognising that the evidence of God 's existence may be less than overwhelming without being negligible .
5 There must be more evidence than some existentialists desire for their ‘ splendid ’ leap of faith , but there may be less than Copleston required for his certain assurance of God 's existence .
6 Their life expectancy may be less than the national average , and they may be more susceptible to illness and disease .
7 However , since they are often used on surfaces which are already highly contaminated , the need may be less than at first thought .
8 The young mother may feel that she has nothing to offer — after all , much as she loves her children , their conversation may be less than stimulating .
9 Other people 's reaction to hearing loss may be less than encouraging , particularly when they are unimaginative and unable to grasp the true facts .
10 The interest rates offered to large lessors seeking funding for assets may be less than those offered to small companies .
11 Thus , while Tough 's work may provide some interesting ideas for dealing with functional aspects of spontaneous speech , it may be less than entirely satisfactory as a means of obtaining reliable and objective assessment information .
12 render underprivileged and powerless people more likely to be arrested , convicted , and sentenced to prison , even though the amount of personal damage and injury they cause may be less than the more powerful and privileged cause ;
13 The total value of a player 's army may be less than the agreed value , and will often be a few points short simply because there is nothing left to spend the few remaining points on .
14 In short , the complexity of thought may be less than is assumed by AI-workers — and , moreover , may be of a very different type .
15 As in the civil sector , the gap in know-how may be less than the gap in the technological level of what is produced ; often a conscious decision is made to forego the most advanced option .
16 The total value of a player 's army may be less than the agreed value , and will often be a few points short simply because there is nothing left to spend the odd point on .
17 Deem herself acknowledges that the match between policy decisions made at one level of government and what actually happens in the classroom may be less than perfect .
18 But the way in which they are present may be less than helpful .
19 In the case of a heavily endowed school , the fees charged to the public may be less than sufficient to cover the total cost of running the school , the shortfall being made good by the endowment .
20 Another drawback is that a rules-based policy , especially where this is drafted in terms of prohibitions with penalties for non-compliance , may be less than appropriate for dealing with problems of uncompetitive market structures .
21 Alternatively , the rate of marine erosion at the base of the cliffs may be less than the general rate of subaerial denudation over the whole cliff .
22 In the building trade it is well known that the cost of building a new building may be less than the cost of modifying an old one .
23 In particular , the estimator of β may be less than unity .
24 Finally , it must be recognised that adjustment may be less than instantaneous , both because production processes take time and because the presence of transactions costs and other risks leads to a world in which contracts exist and expectational errors have real effects .
25 They may be less than satisfactory on both counts .
26 Hence in the early years of the life of a fixed asset the taxable profit may be less than the reported profit before tax .
27 For example , the cost of buying a component externally may be less than the cost of making the component however , the potential supplier may have a history of poor industrial relations which may jeopardize supplies periodically ; this factor may be significant in the decision to make or buy .
28 In terms of genotypes , competition between individuals of a very polymorphic species may be less than between related ‘ jordanons ’ ( selfing lines ) or apomictic lines , even though these be isolated genetically from one another .
29 The rise in sea levels as a result of global warming may be less than feared , according to a new UN study .
30 If the vendor shareholders are entitled to a substantial element of indexation allowance to reduce the gain deriving from a disposal of their shares , or have allowable losses or other available reliefs to reduce their gains , then despite the fact that they will usually suffer tax at 40% on the gain , this may be less than the effective 25% rate of income tax if the buy-in is treated as a distribution , in which case the buy-in may be able to proceed under the tax regime provided for in ss219 to 229 TA 1988 .
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