Example sentences of "may also be argued " in BNC.

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1 It may also be argued that , provided a computer record is sympathetically laid out , it is more readable than many handwritten entries found in registers , where handwriting , variations in content and idiosyncrasies of style may conspire to confuse the reader .
2 It may also be argued that Roman military advances effectively changed the artistic map of Italy .
3 It may also be argued that , as this field is concerned with aspects of the student that are intimately connected with her personality , it would be unethical to attempt systematically to bring about changes .
4 It may also be argued that the user 's strategy adopted for subject searching is a response to the very design of the card dictionary catalogue .
5 However , it may also be argued more generally , following Max Weber ( 1921 , part III , chap .
6 It may also be argued that some limits to growth , which Hirsch ( 1977 ) called ‘ social limits ’ , are already operating .
7 It may also be argued that numbering an Information Memorandum shows an intent to control and restrict the circulation and therefore complies with Companies Act 's requirements for prospectuses and the provisions of the FSA .
8 It may also be argued that the negative correlation we have found between breath H 2 exretion and MCTT was due to the lactulose taken with the breakfast .
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