Example sentences of "may account [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This may account for the relatively high level of interest being expressed in the issue .
2 If , as seems likely , this line swings southwestwards at its western end towards the Farmborough Compression Zone , it may account for the otherwise puzzling discrepancy between the E.N.E.-W.S.W. strike of the basement thrust as seen on seismic ( Chadwick et a/. 1983 ) and the E.-W. trend of the Vale of Pewsey .
3 A phase of late Hercynian oxidation of Carboniferous humic material may account for the lack of gas prospectiveness in these areas .
4 These factors may account for the fact that the blackboard metaphor has not usually been used for anaphor resolvers , whose control structures are very often relatively simple , with different knowledge sources brought to bear in something like a predetermined order .
5 Sensitivity to unavoidable synthetic chemicals , such as solvents and the contaminants of natural gas , may account for the partial success with some patients .
6 This , together with improvements in diet and exercise and also in the average man 's or woman 's physical environment throughout the century , may account for the decline in the death-rate which has continued to take place in recent years for those who have already reached middle age ( see Table I.6 ) .
7 This may account for the ‘ pushing out ’ of the undersized fry .
8 In the case of cocaine this effect is direct , which may account for the drug 's peculiar potency .
9 These findings may account for the previous reports that premature eye opening accelerates optic nerve myelination , whereas dark rearing delays it .
10 TWO problems limit the interpretation of recent experiments supporting Darwin 's suggestion that female choice for ornate males may account for the evolution of long tails in birds .
11 However , for others the condition may present in a far more insidious and subtle manner , the constant yawning or sighing , the one deep breath in three , excessive sniffing , each of these may account for the reduced levels of carbon dioxide in the lungs , which over time leads to the ‘ chronic hyperventilation syndrome ’ .
12 Mention is also made of a small attached building heated by a hypocaust at the south-west corner , suggested as a possible priest 's house , and this may account for the so-called ‘ hypocaust ’ tiles found on the site , presumably box-flues .
13 We used paraffin sections which may account for the 50% sensitivity that we found .
14 Nowhere north of the Tagus was there a class like the landless rural proletariat of Andalusia and Estremadura , and this may account for the relative political stability of Castile : only one nineteenth-century revolt started in the classic wheat lands .
15 In Europe police organisation is hierarchical , centralised and supervised by the government , all of which may account for the tendency to rely on police investigations while , at the same time , declining to constrain them by the kind of normative rules we find in Anglo-American law .
16 This makes it difficult for traders to recognize arbitrage possibilities involving a future on a geometric index when the future is underpriced , and may account for the replacement of the geometric VLCI future by its arithmetic equivalent .
17 The need to include stock market volatility in the pricing equation for index futures may account for the apparent mispricings indicated by the no-arbitrage condition , particularly when the market is volatile , when the general equilibrium model would not indicate a mispricing .
18 Similarly , tubular obstruction secondary to renal parenchymal disorganisation may account for the higher prevalence in patients with renal and urinary tract disease .
19 Within this region we noted two short T n A elements and one ATTTA element that may account for the low steady-state levels of RNA seen in transfected cells ( see below ) .
20 Control of this kind may account for the observed differences between transcript concentrations of complex I and complex III genes .
21 A visit to France , the details of which remain unclear , also led to the accusation that he had associated with the supporters of Mary Queen of Scots [ q.v. ] there : this may account for the apparent loss of royal favour by the mid-1570s .
22 This type of geomorphology , which has subsequently attracted both great support and disenchantment , has been the subject of at least two groups of interpretations and it is perhaps the lack of equal familiarity with the achievements of both groups that may account for the differing viewpoints some of which are listed in Table 4.1 .
23 Behaviour within the system 's context may be more easily observable and may account for the many user studies which persist in observing users in terms of the information system and not in terms of the user .
24 This difference may account for the fact that although there is now a great deal of empirical evidence linking monetary or aggregate demand shocks to real output fluctuations — evidence which we shall discuss in later chapters — the evidence that unexpected price changes affect output is much weaker ( see , for example , Fair , 1979 )
25 This may account for the regular citation in the Commissioner 's Annual Reports of several applications ‘ not pursued ’ by the applicants .
26 This may account for the fact that while recall is almost uniformly greater for schema-consistent information , recognition results have been markedly more mixed ( Brewer & Nakamura , 1984 ) .
27 The analyses are used to look for patterns in the types of information available from stimuli which may account for the previous risk and recognition results and the relationships between risk and recognition .
28 This may account for the fact that thesis citations in systematic botany accounted for only 5% of the total citations in a recent study ( Delendick ) .
29 This , with or without an increased absorption of faecal secondary bile acids may account for the differences observed in both faecal and biliary bile acids .
30 Moreover , the reduced plasminogen activator activity of malignant ascites is caused by increased concentrations of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 , which may account for the lower incidence of coagulopathy after insertion of shunts seen in this group of patients .
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