Example sentences of "also announced [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Saitoti also announced that a 5 per cent presumptive tax on sales of agricultural produce would apply to farmers from July 1 , 1989 .
2 It was also announced that a law was being drafted to give all Albanians the right to obtain a passport for foreign travel .
3 Gaviria also announced that a Constitutional Assembly to discuss constitutional reforms would be convoked on Nov. 25 , in which left-wing guerillas could participate if they were prepared to abandon violence .
4 Kiyonga also announced that a black market for foreign exchange was in effect to be legalised , in a measure designed to increase availability of foreign currency and stimulate foreign investment and non-traditional exports .
5 Kriel also announced that an independent body was to be established to investigate allegations of serious crimes committed by the SAP .
6 The Universiade GB board also announced that the immediate cash-flow problems , revealed a week ago , had now been resolved by an injection of funds by Sheffield City Council and that further offers of financial support are to be followed up immediately .
7 Concept also announced that the first version — needless to say the French language one — of its new Windows-based Tresorerie Manager cash management software went on sale on April 27 .
8 It was also announced that the number of conciliar periti was not to be increased — a decision not strictly adhered to .
9 Jackie Stewart also announced that the record sum of £200,000 had been raised by this year 's Jackie Stewart Celebrity Challenge .
10 The USA also announced that the economic embargo imposed by President Reagan in May 1985 [ see pp. 33970-71 ] would be lifted following Chamorro 's inauguration .
11 It was also announced that the country 's domestic defence industry was to be developed in the 1990s so that by the year 2000 it would be able to produce its own military aircraft , warships and submarines .
12 In a resolution published by the republic 's official press , it was also announced that the Ukraine would stop building nuclear power plants altogether .
13 The IMF also announced that the government had given assurances that it would resume payments , suspended for two years , on its US$43,000 million commercial debt , as a condition for talks to proceed on June 7 with its 224 commercial creditor banks .
14 The July communiqué also announced that the next KPRP congress , due before the end of the year , would be postponed .
15 The ruling party also announced that the December 1990 elections to the People 's Assembly would for the first time be open to participation by other parties .
16 It was also announced that the RSFSR government had decided to merge together the Russian Information Agency and the Novosti news agency ( which had been brought under RSFSR control after the failed coup — see p. 38372 ) as one agency headed by the former Novosti chief Andrei Vinogradov .
17 The CSR also announced that the voters ' register would be checked immediately .
18 Aziz also announced that the 1991/92 deficit had overshot its target of 4.6 per cent of GDP and would be closer to 6.1 per cent .
19 In what was widely interpreted as a bid for electoral advantage — securing Florida 's 25 electoral college votes was seen as essential if Bush was to win re-election to the White House — the President also announced that the government would provide 100 per cent federal reimbursement to local authorities for recovery operations , rather than the 75 per cent customary in such cases .
20 It was also announced that the MoD were to optimise the development value of Hullavington , probably offering it for a large housing development .
21 The Government has also announced that the deadline for cereal farmers to submit claims for repayment of cereals co-responsibility levy under the Small Cereals Producer Scheme and the two schemes open to participants in five year set-aside is to be extended until November 18 .
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