Example sentences of "also found [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The great white , or blue pointer , shark is also found off the coasts of the USA and Australia , as well as in smaller numbers elsewhere in the world .
2 Plain skin warts are also found on the genitals and in such cases a sexual mode of transmission need not be postulated .
3 It is also found on the palms of the hand and the soles of the feet , which are not sites commonly affected by other rashes .
4 These specialized tactile hairs form the whiskers of the upper lips , and are also found on the cheeks and the chin , over the eyes and on the wrists of the forelegs .
5 There is a very useful collection of 111 vessels of the first half of the first century under ‘ Belgic Verulamium ’ ; a group of 18 vessels from the filling of an unfinished well-shaft dated by a coin of Pius ( 145 — 161 ) ‘ lost in fair condition ’ , and a stamp of the samian potter GERMINVS who is also found on the Antonine Wall ( 142 — 163 ) ; a pit group ( Pit 6 , Insula V ) of 14 vessels with a coin of Pius ( 154 — 155 ) ; 9 vessels from Triangular Temple , from the filling between two floors of the courtyard ; there follows 9 more vessels , from different places , and 15 predating the S.E. gate , and finally , there are 7 from Pit 5 in building IV , considered as late fourth and possibly fifth century .
6 This vegetation pattern is also found on the sheltered lowland strips which lie in the shadow of the coastal mountain ranges .
7 The bronze head was also found on the same field .
8 It is also found at the base of the neo-classical economic theory of capitalism , with its basic tenet of man as a maximizing individual with limitless needs and desires — a notion Sahlins deconstructed many years ago ( 1974 ) , but one that still persists in Western economic and political thought , and which underlies much of the anthropology of conflict .
9 Blue polythene sheeting , believed to have been used to carry coal to stoke up the massive blaze , was also found at the secluded site at Coppull near Chorley .
10 Blue polythene sheeting , believed to have been used to carry coal to stoke up the massive blaze , was also found at the secluded site in Coppull , near Chorley .
11 They are also found in the top levels of local government , the health service and privatised industries .
12 The same preliminary character is also found in the other task which Marx 's redefinition of the aim of social analysis required .
13 Also found in the Amazon basin is the tucuxi ( it is a member of the hump-backed dolphin family ) .
14 Nick Butterfield of Harvard , though , thinks Wiwaxia is related to a scaly worm , part of a known phylum , which is also found in the Burgess shale .
15 If these multiple oasis decisions contributed to the success of a major programme of the social revolution , so too did others contribute to failures : indifference , resentment and subversion of government plans were also found in the hearths and dunes of Huaiwiri and Hawari , of Tazarbu and Rabiana .
16 Gummata are also found in the bones , muscles , and internal organs .
17 Pure herds were also found in the Isle of Wight and Guernseys also spread to several English and Scottish counties to decorate parkland or supply house milk and butter .
18 A figure not far short of this was also found in the biological parents from whom they had been separated , though not in their adoptive relatives , in whom the incidence was much lower .
19 This relationship was also found in the national study of retirement and early retirement , conducted in 1977 ( Parker 1980 : 13 ) .
20 Unlike the RYR , however , the IP 3 R is also found in the spines .
21 This theme was also found in the embroidered textiles listed in Clement V 's inventory of the papal treasury in 1311 .
22 Their inhibitor , tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 , was also found in the stroma but had a predominant endothelial distribution ( N C Gallegos et al personal communication ) .
23 Xanthopterin and leucopterin are also found in the integument of the Vespidae , while the body- and wing.scales of many Pierid butterflies contain leucopterin , xanthopterin , isoxanthopterin and erythropterin .
24 In controls the positive reaction was limited to the lamina propria , while in Crohn 's disease reactivity was also found in the submucosa and subserosa .
25 A glutamine-rich region as well as short stretches of local overrepresentation of threonine and/or serine residues are also found in the 453 amino acids long region upstream of the POU domain .
26 The bearded pig , which is also found in the rainforests of Peninsular Malaya and Sumatra , weighs up to 200kg , is dark brown or grey and has a white beard and conspicuous facial warts .
27 Burials were also found in the south-western and southeastern suburbs , the clearest pattern occurring in Little Spittle west of the Fosse .
28 EGF is also found in the superficial epithelial cells in Barrett 's oesophagus , a distribution which is quite different to that in the squamous mucosa .
29 The Interludium therefore occurs in a later copy than the extant copy of Dame Sirith , and since Dame Sirith contains details that are also found in the other European versions of the tale , such as the object of the clerk 's desires being a married woman , not a " girl " , it is regarded as impossible for Dame Sirith to be derived from the Interludium .
30 The burlesquing of the debate over this issue does not simply lie in the Nun 's Priest 's professions of inability to cope with such learned speculations : or in his finally declaring the problem irrelevant : Learned in-joking on one of the authorities on the subject of freewill and providence , Boethius , is also found in the fox 's ability to refer to Boethius ' book on music ( 3293 – 4 ) and the fact that the fox breaks into Chauntecleer 's yard " " By heigh ymaginacioun forncast " " , " Foreseen by High Imagination " ( 3217 ) .
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