Example sentences of "also reflect the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was seen also to reflect the growing strength of the fundamentalist lobby within ANAP believed to be led by a Minister of State , Mehmet Kececiler , who had campaigned publicly for more Islam-oriented legislation .
2 In the second and third examples , it also reflects the practical difficulties of the potentially very large number of parties affected who might want to make representations .
3 The , the amount of money is allocated on a weighted mileage basis so it 's to do with the length of mileages in the area and it also reflects the various types of surveys that are done to assess the condition of the , the roads in the various areas , so that 's how the money is first divided up on an area basis , but within that all the schemes that are listed here have been promulgated either from such as yourself , from members of the general public , or as a result of our own inspections er and a priority has been assessed to them in a methodical way .
4 The price also reflects the ominous presence of BellSouth which has tabled a rival offer for LIN .
5 However , it also reflects the general applicability of a point made by Ball about one of the leading theorists in this area :
6 This is accounted for in part by the considerably higher capital expenditure and tax payments , but also reflects the significant increase in stock levels .
7 It might be thought that the actor 's art also reflects the continual struggle between participants in a social situation to share their private worlds through public media of language and gesture , what Arthur Brittan ( 1973 ) refers to as ‘ negotiation of meaning ’ .
8 John Winant , the US ambassador in Britain , wrote on 28 February that this reflected Britain 's concern with security rather than with ‘ commercial enterprise ’ ; ‘ It also reflects the British apprehension that they may be swamped competitively by US aviation and their consequent desire to guarantee themselves a percentage , even though small , of the available business . ’
9 It also reflects the bold decision taken by my right hon. Friend the Member for Blaby ( Mr. Lawson ) to cut corporation tax and liberate a range of resources for investments which companies would choose for themselves rather than being pointed in a certain direction by the distorting effect of allowances .
10 It also reflects the different patterns of organization ( e.g. State provision , local parental initiative , private arrangements ) , as well as variations in the resources available to ensure a high quality of care and education .
11 The region 's relatively high rainfall may encourage these wetland species , but their presence may also reflect the wider tolerance plants show when freed from having to compete .
12 However , while history , modern studies , English , home economics and social education may offer more opportunities to focus on people , personalities and social issues specific topics will also reflect the general nature of society throughout its development .
13 This may be true — it is already true of a great many regulations with which companies must comply — but it may also reflect the fundamental nature of financial regulation .
14 Vertical differentiation in mineralogy in weathering profiles may also reflect the stage-by-stage alteration of primary rock minerals .
15 These changes also reflect the increased ability of older people to financially maintain their own households after the children have left home and a very strong social desire by all age groups to be independent .
16 These findings also reflect the higher proportion of elderly patients with colonic disease .
17 Whilst most parents ' groups continued to focus on mutual support , these examples of service provision represent a considerable net addition to the facilities available in the County ; they also reflect the powerful moral and practical support given to the development of parents ' groups by the CMHTs .
18 Funding restrictions may be partly responsible for these absences , but they also reflect the mental health system 's capacity to resist new responses to mental distress .
19 Thus , it is reasonable to suppose that these data also reflect the same transitional changes in the relationship between infant mortality and birth order as was hypothesized in connection with maternal age .
20 The spread of nationalism into rural areas also reflected the economic transformation that had taken place since 1967 .
21 But it also reflected the demographic composition of Palestinian society .
22 In part this was a reflection of the great strain on small financial resources which building , maintaining and perhaps in time enlarging workhouses imposed , but it also reflected the greater difficulty in an effective and controlled administration of out-relief in the more anonymous and densely populated towns .
23 The deadlock also reflected the general feeling of uncertainty on the international stage engendered by events in the Soviet Union during August .
24 The changes also reflected the current impasse within the National Assembly , with the opposition continuing to boycott proceedings in protest against the DLP having used its newly-created overall majority to push through several controversial pieces of legislation .
25 Railway stations not only illuminated the full social and racial hierarchy of the railway traveller , they also reflected the great range of employment offered by the railways themselves .
26 The Syrian decision to support the West over Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait also reflected the improved relations between Syria and Egypt [ see pp. 37137 ; 37471 ; 37626 ] .
27 The uproar was no doubt stimulated in part by the authorship of the articles , which included Francis Crick , but also reflected the outraged resistance of many biologists to the concept of ‘ selfish DNA ’ .
28 However , the issue also reflected the fundamental unease of the British Foreign Office at the absence of a clear-cut American policy in the whole of the Far East , affecting China and Korea in addition to Japan .
29 The postponement also reflected the intensifying conflict between President Ertha Pascal-Trouillot and the Council of State , a 19-member advisory body established in March 1990 when the interim government was formed , and followed the installation by her of a new 13-member Cabinet , on Aug. 27 , without seeking either the advice or consent of the Council of State .
30 Elsewhere , on the south coast , the match between Ardingly and Eastbourne also reflected the open approach which deserves encouragement .
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