Example sentences of "give him [art] satisfaction " in BNC.

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1 She had felt she 'd die rather than give him the satisfaction , but now she 'd have to be clever , for by implication she had denigrated his power and his commitment to protect her .
2 She would n't give him the satisfaction of showing any further anger or distress .
3 She would not give him the satisfaction .
4 There was no way that she would give him the satisfaction of seeing her emerge later in the evening with puffy red eyes .
5 His talk was just that , talk aimed at intimidating her , but she would never give him the satisfaction of allowing him to succeed .
6 If she tried to evict him an undignified struggle would only ensue and she would n't give him the satisfaction .
7 She would not give him the satisfaction .
8 Perry offers to buy me a drink , but I will not give him the satisfaction .
9 Not for anything would she give him the satisfaction of knowing his opinion could have such a devastating effect on her .
10 The truth was she 'd never been more curious about anyone in her whole life , but there was no way she 'd give him the satisfaction of knowing that .
11 But even as the words echoed in her brain , she knew she would n't voice them , would n't give him the satisfaction of knowing just how childishly he could make her behave .
12 No , sir , she would n't give him the satisfaction .
13 She knew his ways and had adapted to them and this seemed to give him a satisfaction which quietened him .
14 It shuts him up for the time being , and I 'm not going to give him the satisfaction of thinking his insolence cuts any ice with me .
15 She was n't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing she dared not be alone with him for even a few minutes .
16 To give him the satisfaction of hearing her agree that she was afraid —
17 ‘ So how long have you been waiting ? ’ she enquired , refusing to give him the satisfaction of rising to his bait or confirming his accurate character diagnosis .
18 He allowed himself a small , tight smile as she clenched her teeth and remained staring him full in the face , determined not to give him the satisfaction of accepting his subtle invitation to check his statement .
19 He took a step towards her as he started to unbutton his shirt , and she forced herself not to give him the satisfaction of moving away .
20 Robyn had thought much the same on numerous occasions but she was n't about to give him the satisfaction of letting him know that .
21 From one of the nightclub staff , probably , she decided , refusing to give him the satisfaction of probing further .
22 She should stop him , should grab that exploring finger , but something within her refused to give him the satisfaction .
23 He had done a good enough job of getting her to do that already , and she 'd be damned if she was going to give him the satisfaction of letting it happen again .
24 She did n't want to give him the satisfaction .
25 She clenched her fists , unable to struggle , but determined not to give him the satisfaction of knowing she wanted him .
26 And without giving him the satisfaction of knowing how deeply he had hurt her .
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