Example sentences of "give permission for the " in BNC.

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1 A clutch of companies involved in technology from the Soviet space programmes has been given permission for the first time to deal direct with foreigners .
2 The Tsar had given permission for the formation of the Legion but , a couple of months later , the Tsarina rescinded the order .
3 In December 1924 a press release stated that Her Majesty the Queen had graciously given permission for the house to be exhibited at the ninth Ideal Home Exhibition to be held by the Daily Mail at Olympia the following March .
4 In order to establish a trust fund to cover this , and the maintenance of the college 's picture collection , the Charity Commissioners , after over two years of deliberation , have given permission for the sale of three paintings : a Turner , a Constable and a Gainsborough .
5 The President of Cuba had apparently given permission for the Jews to be landed on the Isle of Pines , a former penal colony .
6 I think it was er fairly evident that he had given permission for the three British hostages to be released after Sir Edward Heath 's meeting with Tariq .
7 Edinburgh Airport Ltd. own the land , which runs parallel with the airport perimeter fence , and have given permission for the path to be constructed .
8 The committee has given permission for the bucket collection to be taken on behalf of our colleagues at at the end of the Tuesday morning session .
9 The government has given permission for the plant to go ahead in the face of sustained opposition from environmentalists , church groups , and the local Lumad tribal people , to whom the mountain is sacred .
10 The portfolio would stay in Russia until authorities have given permission for the pictures to be exported .
11 If the decisions were being made by a planning inquiry and we were the planning inspectors , would we give permission for the spending of someone else 's money on such as project ?
12 The Labour councillors voted to overturn the officers ' recommendation and give permission for the works to be demolished .
13 In the end , the compromise was to give permission for the new blocks of apartments , but to require that the remains of the grottoes be restored as a feature in the new development .
14 His latest coup was to give permission for the coronation of the kabaka ( king ) of Buganda , the ancient kingdom that lies within Uganda , to go ahead this July .
15 The MFJ 's inaugural rally on Sept. 15 in Kumasi had to be cancelled because the police refused to give permission for the event .
16 A council has been asked to give permission for the development in return for money for recreational facilities .
17 If , as usually should be the case , the courts of [ England ] decide to return the child to the jurisdiction of the courts of [ Australia ] , the latter courts will be in no way inhibited from giving permission for the child to return to [ England ] or indeed becoming settled there and so subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of that country .
18 If , as usually should be the case , the courts of country B decide to return the child to the jurisdiction of the courts of country A , the latter courts will be in no way inhibited from giving permission for the child to return to country B or indeed becoming settled there and so subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of that country .
19 Thank you for your letter of 2nd February giving permission for the use of the Mill Yard for siting of a rubbish skip .
20 The European Commission has yet to decide whether the government has breached environmental assessment procedures in giving permission for the scheme .
21 Speaking as the operation began , Mr Barnett thanked the person who gave permission for the donation : ‘ I know that Aisling , even if she does not survive , would want me to express my eternal gratitude to them for giving her the chance to live . ’
22 The council seemed satisfied by that and early in September , with protestors gathered outside County Hall , gave permission for the dump .
23 The Queen also gave permission for the house to be shown at the forthcoming British Empire Exhibition .
24 At Christmas 1910 , the committee gave permission for the women to go out to the pantomime at the kind invitation of a lady of the town , and — possibly put off by some unrecorded experiences in the previous year — they recommended that no eggs be pickled that season .
25 In the post-war world the national status of the Association received a welcome boost from the BBC , when , in 1948 , it gave permission for the BDDA to make a charity broadcast appeal .
26 Adam Franklyn — his company owns this land and he gave permission for the event to be held here .
27 The Dresden city government gave permission for the rallies to be held , insisting that refusal might have provoked violent demonstrations in the city , which had become a centre of radical right-wing activity since the end of the East German communist regime .
28 On Aug. 19 Ramos gave permission for the body of Ferdinand Marcos to be flown from Hawaii ( where it had lain since his death in 1989 ) for private interment in his native province of Ilocos Norte in northern Luzon .
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