Example sentences of "more powerful [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You are the only woman I know — apart from Lucy — who wears skirts and dresses and make-up and turns me on more powerful than a monsoon with all the steam and heat …
2 Robin-Anne had her mother 's fair hair , so fair that it looked bleached , and she had her mother 's delicate good looks etched on to a face so pale that it seemed as though her skin must burn if it was exposed to anything more powerful than a light bulb .
3 As we saw earlier , a central godhead whose manifold characteristics can be all things to all men is more powerful than a more parochial and less versatile spirit .
4 It was ten to twenty times more powerful than a candle , and thus encouraged the furniture into the room away from the fire , which had often served as supplementary lighting .
5 The apparent paradox is that , on the evidence provided by such teams as Neath and Llanelli , the clubs individually are more powerful than the country collectively .
6 It simply is not true that ‘ within the Western countries the press has become more powerful than the legislative power , the executive and the judiciary ’ .
7 The micro-revolution of the eighties gave the world not only cheap machines — which are now more powerful than the mainframes of the seventies — but tools like spreadsheets , 4GLs , Case ( computer-aided software engineering ) tools and data management languages .
8 The most likely surmise is that the hardliners are now more powerful than the reformers , but are unable to press home their advantage .
9 It was clearly far more powerful than the subjective test the day before .
10 And the tally of crown successes over its opponents far outnumbers its few failures ; Douglases , Crichtons , Livingstones , Erskines , Gordons , Hamiltons and many other members of aristocratic families who lost out to the crown over a huge range of disputes , from the heights of violent conflict to the crown 's ability to beat off rival claimants to lands , would have been astonished by the belief of later historians that they were more powerful than the monarchy .
11 The British people have in the past found them rather more powerful than the corporations which are popularly supposed to finance the Conservative party .
12 He kept to the inside of the bends where the current was fastest and more powerful than the onshore wind .
13 The Discovery engine will fit the 90 but will require an intercooler and much modification to cables exhaust and pipework The 90 Turbo engine is more powerful than the normally aspirated and will fit in more easily If you need much more power then a large capacity turbocharged engine is required such as the Nissan 3 5 available from many suppliers who advertise in LRO
14 The turbo unit is more powerful than the normally aspirated unit .
15 A blend of clove , thyme , lavender and peppermint , for example , is far more powerful than the chemist might expect of the blend ( taking into account the combined chemical constituents of the oils ) .
16 The mind is much more powerful than the aroma of an essential oil .
17 Indeed , the increased concentration of central government on local government spending helped to increase its political profile , locally as well as nationally , at just the time when reorganization had created authorities with major staffing and financial resources , authorities more powerful than the patchwork quilt of councils which they replaced .
18 The notion that there is nothing more to the idea of parliamentary sovereignty than that Parliament is more powerful than the Crown has a strange ring to today 's ears .
19 The homoeopathic potencies , being structured water polymers , can be visualized as being more powerful than the random water polymers present in the body fluids .
20 They spend most of their time creating explosive devices several times more powerful than the results of gourmet vegetarian weekends , and then become Young Conservatives .
21 The key is that when protons are touching they feel a strong attractive force , more powerful than the electrical forces that are trying to force them apart .
22 It 's more powerful than the regular injection models , but not quite as powerful as the full-blown turbos .
23 Intel Corp rates the 66MHz version of the Pentium chip at 112 MIPS — well it is claimed to execute two instructions per cycle — one for each of its parallel arithmetic-logic units — two five-stage execution units , and claims that it is five times more powerful than the original 80486 microprocessor and over 300 times faster than the 8088 ; it contains 3.1m transistors , compared with 1.2m for the 80486 ; it is manufactured in Intel 's 0.8 micron three-metal layer BiCMOS process technology ; it has two 8Kb on-chip caches and a fully compatible floating point unit that is up to five times faster than the one on the 80486 at the same clock speed ; to get around the problem that the thing can squeal to a halt when it comes to a branch that stalls the instruction stream , it includes branch prediction , where the chip remembers prior instruction pathways and predicts the correct pathway for a new instruction .
24 But a proton machine in the same tunnel , with magnets a bit more powerful than the SSC 's , could produce 8TeV beams .
25 To minimise that advantage CERN is also concentrating on building magnets more complex and more powerful than the SSC 's .
26 The nationalists , led by Vojislav Seselj ( a Bosnian Serb ) , are more powerful than the democrats : Mr Seselj won a third of the vote in Serbia 's election last year .
27 Because the new government had an effective army it could raise much more revenue from taxes than the King had done , and so was more powerful than the monarchy had been .
28 Intel Corp rates the 66MHz version of the Pentium chip at 112 MIPS — well it is claimed to execute two instructions per cycle — one for each of its parallel arithmetic-logic units — two five-stage execution units , and claims that it is five times more powerful than the original 80486 microprocessor and over 300 times faster than the 8088 .
29 Fujitsu Ltd sources say that the machine being developed by Hal Computer Systems Inc in the US will be significantly more powerful than the 300 MIPS that has been reported — but 300 MIPS was for one of its Sparc chips .
30 Among these instincts the egoistic , or self-regarding , are more powerful than the social , or other-regarding .
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