Example sentences of "now [prep] [art] hands " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is nothing I can do , ’ said the King , as she was dragged away , ‘ I can see those in charge , but it 's now in the hands of the Justice people . ’
2 But the general inability of the film industry to support and encourage creative adventure was the responsibility of the two major companies , which were now in the hands of former accountants who had not cast off their old ways of thinking , John Davis at Rank and Robert Clark at ABPC .
3 It is not just that many of the old structures of central planning have been demolished , or that much of the government is now in the hands of people who still refer to themselves quite unselfconsciously as ‘ the opposition ’ .
4 The effect was the same : junk was suddenly less attractive , and anyway much of it was now in the hands of federal rescue agencies keen to sell as quickly as possible .
5 But he did not finish the all-but-spoken thought , for the words were sending back an echo from his own pages , the ones now in the hands of his agent .
6 Cartón de Colombia was founded in 1944 , largely on the basis of North American capital , that is now in the hands of the Mobil Oil Company .
7 Their homes had belonged to them , had been taken away from them and were now in the hands of others .
8 It is now in the hands of the Minister for Economic Development .
9 A similar checklist in the original report , showing companies which used five or more techniques , threw up names like Maxwell Communication Corporation which subsequently went into administration , Asda whose boardroom shake-up followed a £365m pre-tax loss , LEP which is now in the hands of a company doctor , British Aerospace which is about to undergo further restructuring , and Ultramar which was taken over after reporting losses .
10 As Cowley walked towards the slightly hunched figure of Bodie , he was able to see Doyle 's peaceful face , eyes closed , white as a sheet ; a moment later the trolley was behind the closing doors of the lift , and Doyle 's life was now in the hands of others , men skilled in surgery , and in the ways of keeping the tenuous thread of life attached to a dying body .
11 England 's batting talent is now in the hands of ex-Middlesex star Radley , the MCC chief coach .
12 The firm is now in the hands of managing director Tim Watkins and ‘ a private family concern ’ .
13 Worse for the Tory right , the three main jobs affecting the economy are now in the hands of Europe-minded interventionists : Mr Clarke , Mr Hunt at employment , and Michael Heseltine at trade and industry .
14 The former boss of Polly Peck , a textile-to-foods group which is now in the hands of administrators , has wealth beyond Britain 's reach .
15 Now in the hands of a new management group and with Bell Canada a 25% shareholder , the 3,500-man company , while not yet solvent , claims 1992 revenues of $739m Canadian .
16 The whole of south-eastern Britain was now in the hands of her enemies .
17 However , now in the hands of Cyril Stein 's Ladbroke group , Vernons has been making bullish noises about capturing extra market share .
18 He had managed to get a Beretta from a contact in Beirut which was now in the hands of the local police .
19 Tory aristocrats , Liberals and Fabians all saw in Law 's election the triumph of this " new mercantile Conservatism " and the final triumph of tariff reform ; the party was now in the hands of hard-faced businessmen , and all sorts of undesirable results would inevitably follow .
20 Although the presence of the proctors was probably in order to assent to the lay taxes which fell upon the clergy 's temporalities , from 1341 at least they were no longer required to attend ; they were still summoned , but their absence from parliament was not deemed prejudicial to the king , no doubt because it could no longer delay or frustrate clerical taxation which was now in the hands of another body .
21 Technically , overlooking TAS 's watching brief , the investigation into the deaths of the Pitt family was now in the hands of a senior local CID officer , Chief Inspector Chips Salter .
22 Many handy tools were found in the carriage which are now in the hands of members of the group .
23 Swan Hunter , whose present workforce numbers 2,200 , is now in the hands of receivers and has been in acute crisis since failing to win a vital Ministry of Defence helicopter-carrier order .
24 The plant is now in the hands of commissioning teams .
25 A spokesman for William Hill says : We have no trace of the bet , the original copy is now in the hands of the police .
26 The Department of Transport has refused to comment , as it says the matter is now in the hands of the courts .
27 The matter is now in the hands of the police , after the shop owners gave them details of the two men .
28 ‘ It is now in the hands of the Crown , but if we do n't conclude the investigation soon , there is every chance they 'll be released . ’
29 The company 's affairs are now in the hands of accountants Cork Gully .
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