Example sentences of "never lose its [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This forming and re-forming of pictures never loses its serenity .
2 ‘ Are you aware that gold never alters , never loses its shine , even after years beneath the sea , or buried in the ground ?
3 Long blonde hair never loses its cachet .
4 The classical spirit in which he was trained never lost its hold upon him ; the spirit of the pagan authors he revered in their original languages coexisted in his mind with an Anglicanism more committed in substance than fervent in style ; and as the new novel of the 1950s revived the techniques of eighteenth-century fiction , so did Lewis 's critical prose revive the world of hard-hitting supper-party debates that Boswell records .
5 The government of George I and the Whigs never lost its credibility , but retained the support of a substantial proportion of the traditional ruling class and probably a higher proportion of the mass of the population than is usually realised .
6 The CUC varied in activity and strength and evolved with various modifications in constitutions and structure , but never lost its independence .
7 But no cries came to them there on the terrace , the darkness lit by the moon , the bright stars spread like a net across a sky that never lost its blueness , the scented tapers burning between the statuary of the amorous god .
8 En primeur buying has been touted as a particularly attractive kind of speculative flutter , with the guarantee that the investment can never lose its liquidity .
9 The truth would never lose its power to wound , but Maria lacked any inclination to retaliate , aware that the same truth must be hurting Luke just as deeply , albeit in an entirely different way .
10 Although it was eventually pushed out of the company 's programmes by the success of Pineapple Poll , another comedy in which John developed further the idea of sailors getting their come-uppance , Tritsch Tratsch has never lost its popularity as a number suitable for galas and concert programmes .
11 Although Scotland has been part of the United Kingdom for nearly three hundred years , it has never lost its identity as a separate nation , and Edinburgh has remained the centre of its government , church and law , which itself can provide an incentive to study in the capital .
12 Although Scotland has been a part of the United Kingdom for two and a half centuries , it has never lost its identity as a separate nation .
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