Example sentences of "never [verb] sight [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first is that it is important never to lose sight of the fact that a computer is an assistant to , not a substitute for , a human researcher .
2 Balanchine , Ashton , MacMillan and now Bintley break many conventions , but they never lose sight of its true qualities in those of their ballets which can be called classical .
3 If you never lose sight of this information , you should be able to guard against extortion by unscrupulous industry entrepreneurs .
4 ‘ I can tell you , I never lose sight of just how lucky I have been .
5 Never lose sight of the fact that God himself selected the collection of assets and attributes which you now possess .
6 But ultimately , when playing any groove , never lose sight of the song , and try to add an expression of joy and celebration to what you are playing .
8 Time now to run , to fix her eyes on that tow-headed lad with the green scarf around his stringy , chicken 's neck and never lose sight of him , no matter who got in her way , to catch him and crucify him if necessary to find out where her bag had gone .
9 Yet in the interstices of the personal accounts , the authors never lose sight of the political issues which underpin the problems : the relationships between rich and poor , women and men , North and South .
10 Never lose sight of that .
11 But despite the fact that it is a major national organisation , Forte never loses sight of another equally important fact , that this is a people business , run by people for people .
12 Although in both books Hilton never loses sight of the spirituality possible for actives each book is addressed to a different audience : Scale 1 to an enclosed and apparently illiterate anchoress " redyng of holy writt may < wel vse " ( 15.288a. – 88 ) ; while Scale 2 seems more generally addressed to a wider and not necessarily wholly contemplative audience .
13 He never lost sight of the religious nature of his subject , and never turned it into a boring desert .
14 Still , she never lost sight of the smaller details that made the operation run smoothly .
15 You see , she never lost sight of her dream and everyone was welcome to share it .
16 Despite the injustice , he never lost sight of his love for football , winning two shields at inter-prison soccer matches .
17 He made for London , where he resumed his former way of life , a mixture of study and worldly pleasures , but never losing sight of the main objective .
18 Previous films about the Dutch painter have tried to circumvent this problem in various ways : Vincente Minnelli 's Lust For Life cast Kirk Douglas as the tortured artist and used broad , melodramatic strokes ; Paul Cox 's reverential Vincent used only extracts from Van Gogh 's letters ; Robert Altman 's Vincent And Theo dished the dirt on Van Gogh 's quixotic personality while never losing sight of his extraordinary artistic gift .
19 Size and length are important , but it 's the gigot that breeders must never lose sight of .
20 For we must never lose sight of the fact that the issues involved are moral ones ; and that though doctors may be experts in medicine , they are no more competent or qualified to speak on moral issues than you or I.
21 He will never lose sight of who his pupils are , what they can and can not be expected to take for granted .
22 But at the same time we must never lose sight of our over-riding duty to win elections ’ ( emphasis added ) .
23 Andrewes would commence by reading out his text both in the English of the Genevan Bible and in the Latin of the Vulgate and would never lose sight of it , frequently repeating it throughout the sermon .
24 They should never lose sight of the fact that the investigation of aircraft accidents by an independent and competent authority is just one more facet of the pursuit of safety in the air .
25 Whilst such systems are powerful tools for marketing analysis and direct marketing campaigns ( indeed , such profile codings have been shown to be highly predictive when incorporated into credit scorecards ) , the credit marketer should never lose sight of the fact that these are likely profiles and there will inevitably be a small proportion of targeted customers whose actual profiles display a disparity from the system profile .
26 It may be convenient to think of an arms race between two lineages such as cattle and grass , or gazelles and cheetahs , but we should never lose sight of the fact that both participants have other enemies against whom they are simultaneously running other arms races .
27 ‘ We must never lose sight of what a tremendous weapon being cost competitive is for ensuring the survival of jobs and businesses . ’
28 This is because government has never lost sight of the primacy of production , and has been able to avoid excessive borrowing to pay for it — in Cameroun because of the availability of oil , and in Kenya as a result of the low-key transfer of assets into African hands without any disruption in production .
29 Moreover , Levin claims that the Situationists never lost sight of their own contradictions , ‘ by consenting to act in culture ’ as a precondition of their co-existence in the present order .
30 Our eyes have been closed for many centuries , yet the sages and physicians of the East have never lost sight of the reality of the WHOLE .
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