Example sentences of "try [to-vb] [prep] touch " in BNC.

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1 The editor in chief , from Australia , tried to keep in touch .
2 AIAS [ Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies ] tried to get in touch with Gould and his publishers to ask them to withdraw the book from sale , or at least remove this photo .
3 ‘ Would you like me to try to get in touch with her ? ’
4 The next day she left for Amsterdam , earlier than expected , after asking him not to try to get in touch with her there .
5 We will try to keep in touch and let you know what is happening .
6 Nor do I try to get in touch with Lord Mountbatten , and I would not necessarily want to .
7 Should she try to get in touch with Tunney again ?
8 Seddon 's remark that I should n't try to get in touch with him at Scotland Yard set me thinking .
9 Jason says : ‘ We all try to keep in touch with our old mates as much as possible , but obviously it 's difficult because we are on the road so much .
10 We try to keep in touch by shouting occasionally : ‘ Where are you ? ’
11 And let me tell you this : should you in any way try to get in touch with me , even go to the partners and ask for my whereabouts , I swear before God — ‘ He now raised his hand in a dramatic fashion and paused before he added , ‘ See , I 'm taking an oath .
12 Four years we 've been apart , and you 've never once tried to get in touch with me .
13 Have you tried to get in touch with the doctor since the letter arrived ?
14 All in all , Bobby Robson must have found it about as fruitful as a day trying to get in touch with Brian Clough .
15 I had a deep-seated feeling that the whole business of seances , trying to get in touch with spirits and souls who had ‘ passed on ’ was wrong and dangerous for me , and I did not want to get involved .
16 Yeah , we 'll still getting , trying to get in touch with him , but we 'll find a driver one way or another .
17 er , so I 've a , is n't it , it 's a case of no news is possibly good news again , erm , I 'm trying to get in touch with the National Co-Organiser for Carl and John without er any success erm , I know he was going to the erm , the British Section just erm , he was gon na check on them and what actions were forthcoming but er , I have n't heard about that erm , I dare say there 's some on the way erm , the erm , the other few points were erm Jackie 's talk last month she mentioned that erm she was gon na give sort of the more forms sort of side presentation and stuff at their centre in North London , I 've got ta date for that now , it 's erm the eighteenth of March , which is a Wednesday so eh , I 'll certainly be going , if anybody else is interested that 's er , that 's the date er , it 's , it 's not entirely to do with but it , it has a link in , erm we were mentioning campaigns last month , I believe there 's a fourth coming one on , indigenous peoples , which , er , it 's , it 's all sort of triggered off by erm the er five hundredth anniversary of Columbus discovering the Americas erm , the erm cast and the whole of all the sort of the Region and Action networks and the Americas are , erm gon na have a big link in with that campaign so , erm , I , I 'd really like to see us sort of getting involved with that , yes , and , I mean , I 'll be involved to an extent anyway , cos some of the actions that I 'll getting will be sort of addressing the issue of indigenous people 's but erm , erm , they if , if nobody else is wiling to take it on , I 'll , I 'll , I 'd certainly be prepared to erm , sort of co-ordinate that campaign , erm , having said all that , erm I mentioned to a few people that erm , erm in the process of buying a house , so erm I could be moving in well hopefully as little as two months time so erm , I mean if er is as quite as it has been for the last few months , I probably wo n't have any problems , but erm , sod 's law it 's bound to pick up just as I 'm moving house
18 Ruth explained as briefly as possible that she was trying to get in touch with a relative — the young lady on the right of the group in the picture on page twenty-two .
19 She 's been trying to get in touch with you for ages .
20 The AS presumably indicates Andrew Stavanger , and the TMJ will be his secretary , or one of the typing staff And it reads sensibly enough — it is just the sort of letter that he might have been expected to write if he got back to his office late and were told that you had been trying to get in touch with him .
21 ‘ Did you think that I would make love to you for a few days and then let you walk out of my life without trying to get in touch ? ’
22 After receiving your letter , Paul has also been trying to get in touch .
23 We 're trying to get in touch with all the homes we have n't already seen to make sure this ca n't happen again .
24 and he was trying to get in touch with a North American Indian , that a , thingamy in Wales was fixed up
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